

Formalization of Ethereum Virtual Machine in Lem

Build Status CircleCI

This repository contains

When you see \<Rightarrow> in the source, try using the Isabelle2017 interface. There you see instead.


Lem is a language that can be translated into Coq, Isabelle/HOL, HOL4, OCaml, HTML and LaTeX.


How to read the proofs

First translate the Lem definitions into Isabelle/HOL:

$ make lem-thy

Then, use Isabelle2017 to open ./examples/AlwaysFail.thy. The prerequisite Isabelle/HOL files are automatically opened.

How to run VM tests and state tests

Make sure the tests submodule is cloned

$ git submodule init tests
$ git submodule update tests

Extract the OCaml definitions

$ make lem-ocaml

And move to tester directory.

$ cd tester

One way is to run the VM Test.

$ sh compile.sh
$ ./runVmTest.native

(When ./runVmTest.native takes an argument, it executes only the test cases whose names contain the argument as a substring.)

Another way is to run the VM Test and measure the coverage.

$ sh measure_coverage.sh

Moreover, it's possible to run Blockchain Tests.

$ ./runBlockchainTest.native

Makefile goals
