


[NVIDIA Only] Advanced Web UI for CogVideo: https://github.com/THUDM/CogVideo


An advanced gradio web ui for generating and editing videos with CogVideo. Supports:

  1. Text-to-video: Enter prompt to generate videos
  2. Video-to-video: Video + Prompt => New video
  3. Image-to-video: Generate a video from a start image
  4. Extend-video: Take any video and extend it using the last frame
  5. Tab-based Workflow: Generate videos and send them to video-to-video or extend-video with one click

How it works

Cogstudio is a single file gradio application cogstudio.py that uses the latest version of CogVideo.

Because it's minimal and blends into the cogvideo repo (instead of existing as a fork), it should take advantage of all the future updates of CogVideo while using the advanced UI.


1. Text to Video

Enter prompt to generate videos


2. Video to Video

Upload a video and enter a prompt to transform the video into another video.


3. Image to Video

Upload a start image and a prompt, and generate a video from the image


4. Extend Video

Upload a video, select a frame to continue the video from, and generate an extended video.

You can keep extending the generated video to infinity and generate a very long video this way.


Also, it's not just about extending from the end, you can use the slider interface to select precisely which point to continue the generation from.


5. Seamless Workflow

Once you generate a video, you can send it to:

  1. video to video
  2. extend video

tabs to add more editing, for example transforming the generated video, or taking the generated video and extending it to make it longer.



1. One Click Install

[Recommended] Use https://pinokio.computer to install this repo with one click.

2. Manual Install

First clone the Cogvideo repo:

git clone https://github.com/THUDM/CogVideo

Next copy the cogstudio.py under the CogVideo/inference/gradio_composite_demo folder.

Go into the CogVideo folder and create a venv:

cd CogVideo/inference/gradio_composite_demo
python -m venv env

Activate the venv.

If you're on Linux:

source env/bin/activate

Or if you're on Windows:


Install the CogVideo gradio dependencies into the venv

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install PyTorch for CUDA:

pip install torch==2.3.1 torchvision==0.18.1 torchaudio==2.3.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121

One more thing you need to do is use the latest version of moviepy:

pip install moviepy==2.0.0.dev2

Now start the app:

python cogstudio.py

That's all!