EOSIO Contract API
The aim of this project is to provide a framework to fill and query state and history for specific contracts on eosio based blockchains.
This project uses the eosio State History Plugin as data source and PostgreSQL to store / query the data. Per block transactions guarantee that the database is consistent at any time.
- NodeJS >= 16.0
- PostgreSQL >= 13.0
- You need to enable the
extension withCREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;
- You need to enable the
- Redis >= 5.0
- Nodeos >= 1.8.0 (only tested with 2.0 and 2.1) The state history plugin needs to be enabled and the options:
trace-history = true
,chain-state-history = true
- Hasura GraphQL Engine >= 1.3 (if you want to allow GraphQL queries)
- PGAdmin 4 (Interface to manage the postgres database)
The config folder contains 3 different configuration files
This file contains Postgres / Redis / Nodeos connection data for the used chain.
- Redis: Can be used for multiple chains without further action
- PostgreSQL: Each chain needs it own postgres database (can use the same postgres instance), but multiple readers of the same chain can use the same database if they are non conflicting
- Nodeos: nodeos should habe a full state history for the range you are trying to index
"postgres": {
"host": "",
"port": 5432,
"user": "username",
"password": "changeme",
"database": "api-wax-mainnet-atomic-1"
"redis": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379
"chain": {
"name": "wax-mainnet",
"chain_id": "1064487b3cd1a897ce03ae5b6a865651747e2e152090f99c1d19d44e01aea5a4",
"http": "",
"ship": "ws://"
This file is used to configure the filler
For atomicassets / atomicmarket you should specify the following start blocks
(Here you need to use it otherwise it will break)eos-mainnet
// Multiple Readers can be defined and each one will run in a separated thread
"name": "atomic-1", // Name of the reader. Should be unique per chain and should not change after it was started
"start_block": 0, // start at a specific block. If ready was already started, this can only be higher than the last indexed block
"stop_block": 0, // stop at a specific block
"irreversible_only": false, // If you need data for a lot of contracts and do not need live data, this option is faster
"ship_prefetch_blocks": 50, // How many unconfirmed blocks ship will send
"ship_min_block_confirmation": 30, // After how many blocks the reader will confirm the blocks
"ship_ds_queue_size": 20, // how many blocks the reader should pre-serialize the action / table data
"ds_ship_threads": 4, // How many threads should be used to deserialize traces and table deltas
"db_group_blocks": 10, // In catchup mode, the reader will group this amount of bl
"contracts": [
// AtomicAssets handler which provides data for the AtomicAssets NFT standard
"handler": "atomicassets",
"args": {
"atomicassets_account": "atomicassets", // Account where the contract is deployed
"store_logs": true, // store logs
"store_transfers": true // store the transfer history
"list_polls": [ // optional
url: '', // endpoint for the lists
api_key: '123', // send as X-API-Key header to the server
frequency: 600, // optional, poll frequency in seconds, defaults to 10 minutes
"provider_name": "", // Provider which is show in the endpoint documentation
"provider_url": "",
"server_addr": "", // Server address to bind to
"server_name": "", // Server name which is shown in the documentation
"server_port": 9000, // Server Port
"cache_life": 2, // GET endpoints are cached for this amount of time (in seconds)
"trust_proxy": true, // Enable if you use a reverse proxy to have correct rate limiting by ip
"rate_limit": {
"interval": 60, // Interval to reset the counter (in seconds)
"requests": 240 // How much requests can be made in the defined interval
"ip_whitelist": [], // These IPs are not rate limited or receive cached requests
"slow_query_threshold": 7500, // If specific queries take longer than this threshold a warning is created
"max_query_time_ms": 10000, // max execution time for a database query
"max_db_connections": 50, // max number of concurrent db connections / db queries
"namespaces": [
// atomicassets namespace which provides an API for basic functionalities
"name": "atomicassets",
"path": "/atomicassets", // Each API endpoint will start with this path
"args": {
"atomicassets_account": "atomicassets" // Account where the contract is deployed
This project consists of two separated processes which need to be started and stopped independently:
- The API which will provide the socket and REST endpoints (or whatever is used)
- The filler which will read the data from the blockchain and fills the database
The filler needs to be started before the API when running it for the first time:
- Create a database and user which is allowed to read and write on that db
EOSIO node
- State History Plugin enabled with options
trace-history = true
,chain-state-history = true
- Fully synced for the block range you want to process
- Open socket and http api
- State History Plugin enabled with options
Copy and modify example configs with the correct connection params
There are two suggested ways to run the project: Docker if you want to containerize the application or PM2 if you want to run it on system level
git clone && cd eosio-contract-api
- There is an example docker compose file provided
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose start eosio-contract-api-filler
docker-compose start eosio-contract-api-server
docker-compose stop eosio-contract-api-filler
docker-compose stop eosio-contract-api-server
git clone && cd eosio-contract-api
yarn install
yarn global add pm2
pm2 start ecosystems.config.json --only eosio-contract-api-filler
pm2 start ecosystems.config.json --only eosio-contract-api-server
pm2 stop eosio-contract-api-filler
pm2 stop eosio-contract-api-server
Currently Supported Contracts
Readers (used to fill the database)
Readers are used to fill the database for a specific contract.
"handler": "atomicassets",
"args": {
"atomicassets_account": "atomicassets", // account where the atomicassets contract is deployed
"store_transfers": true, // store the transfer history
"store_logs": true // store data structure logs
This reader requires a atomicassets and a delphioracle reader with the same contract as specified here
"handler": "atomicmarket",
"args": {
"atomicassets_account": "atomicassets", // account where the atomicassets contract is deployed
"atomicmarket_account": "atomicmarket", // account where the atomicmarket contract is deployed
"store_logs": true // Store logs of sales / auctions
"handler": "delphioracle",
"args": {
"delphioracle_account": "delphioracle" // account where the delphioracle contract is deployed
Namespace (API endpoints)
A namespace provides an API for a specific contract or use case and is based on data a reader provides
"handler": "atomicassets",
"args": {
"atomicassets_account": "atomicassets", // account where the atomicassets contract is deployed
"connected_reader": "atomic-1" // reader to which the API connects for live data
"handler": "atomicmarket",
"args": {
"atomicmarket_account": "atomicmarket", // account where the atomicmarket contract is deployed
"connected_reader": "atomic-1" // reader to which the API connects for live data
To run the test on this project:
- In the
folder, copy theexample-*
files and rename them toconnections.config.json
- Start the redis and postgresql servers, you can do that by using
docker compose (
docker compose up eosio-contract-api-redis eosio-contract-api-postgres
) or installing them directly into your computer. - Modify the
to point to your local computer and have the correct credentials. - Execute the init-test-db script using the command
yarn dev:init-test-db
- Run the test using the command
yarn dev:test
Developing new features
- Make sure that everything in our code base is working properly, ej: Test running and application compiling.
- Depending on your way of working, develop the feature or the bug fix.
- Add some test cases to cover up your code.
- Test it manually in using the API.
- Create a PR and fix the comments of the reviewer.
- Merge and deploy.