

<h1 align="center">Open Source Software Insight!</h1> <div align="center"> <a href="https://ossinsight.io"> <img src="/web/static/img/screenshots/homepage.gif" </a> </div> <h4 align="center"> <b><a href="https://ossinsight.io/explore/">Data Explorer</a></b> • <b><a href="https://ossinsight.io/collections/open-source-database">Repo Rankings</a></b> • <b><a href="https://ossinsight.io/analyze/Ovilia">Developer Analytics</a></b> • <a href="https://ossinsight.io/analyze/pingcap/tidb">Repo Analytics</a> • <a href="https://ossinsight.io/collections/open-source-database">Collections</a> • <a href="https://ossinsight.io/docs/workshop">Workshop</a> • <a href="https://ossinsight.io/blog">Blog</a> • <a href="https://ossinsight.io/docs">API</a> • <a href="https://twitter.com/OSSInsight">Twitter</a> </h3>


OSS Insight is a powerful tool that provides comprehensive, valuable, and trending insights into the open source world by analyzing 5+ billion rows of GitHub events data.

OSS Insight's <a href="https://ossinsight.io/explore/">Data Explorer</a> provides a new way to explore GitHub data. Simply ask your question in natural language and Data Explorer will generate SQL, query the data, and present the results visually.

OSS Insight also provides in-depth analysis of individual GitHub repositories and developers, as well as the ability to compare two repositories using the same metrics.

🎦 Video - OSS Insight: Easiest New Way to Analyze Open Source Software

Feature 0: Shareable Insight Widgets

Repository Activity TrendsCollaborative Productivity - Last 28 days
<img src="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-activity-trends/thumbnail.png?repo_id=41986369&image_size=auto" /><img src="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-last-28-days-collaborative-productivity/thumbnail.png?repo_id=41986369&image_size=auto" />
Repository Performance Stats - Last 28 daysActive Contributors - Last 28 days
<img src="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-last-28-days-stats/thumbnail.png?repo_id=41986369&image_size=auto" /><img src="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-recent-active-contributors/thumbnail.png?repo_id=41986369&limit=100&image_size=auto"/>
Star Geographic DistributionStar History
<img src="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/analyze-repo-stars-map/thumbnail.png?activity=stars&repo_id=41986369&image_size=auto" /><img src="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/analyze-repo-stars-history/thumbnail.png?repo_id=41986369&image_size=auto" />

For more charming widgets, please Check it out 👉

Feature 1: GPT-Powered Data Exploration

Data Explorer provides a new way to discover trends and insights into 5+ billion rows of GitHub data.

Simply ask your question in natural language and Data Explorer will generate SQL, query the data, and present the results visually. It's built with <a href="https://tidbcloud.com/channel/?utm_source=ossinsight&utm_medium=community&utm_campaign=chat2query_202301&utm_content=github_readme">Chat2Query</a>, a GPT-powered SQL generator in TiDB Cloud.


🎦 Video - Data Explorer: Discover insights in GitHub data with GPT-generated SQL

Feature 2: Technical Fields Analytics 👁️

<div align="center"> <a href="https://en.pingcap.com/tidb-cloud/?utm_source=ossinsight&utm_medium=referral"> <img src="/web/static/img/screenshots/homepage-collection.png" alt="GitHub Collections Analytics" height="500" /> </a> </div>


Welcome to add collections

👏 We welcome your contributions here! You can add a collection on our website by submitting PRs. Please create a .yml file under the collections file path.

Here is a file template that describes what you need to include. We look forward to your PRs!

Feature 3: Developer Analytics

Insights about developer productivity, work cadence, and collaboration from developers' contribution behavior.

<div align="center"> <img src="/web/static/img/screenshots/homepage-developer.png" alt="Developer Analytics" height="500" /> </div>

Feature 4: Repository Analytics

Insights about the code update frequency & degree of popularity from repositories' status.

<div align="center"> <img src="/web/static/img/screenshots/homepage-repository.png" alt="Repository Analytics" height="500" /> </div>


Feature 5: Compare Projects 🔨

Compare two projects using the repo metrics mentioned in Repository Analytics.



We've released OSS Insight because it can do more insights about GitHub.We hope that others can benefit from the project. You are more than welcome to participate in capacity building. We are thankful for any contributions from the community.


We have a few channels for contact:



<div align="center"> <a href="https://en.pingcap.com/tidb-cloud/?utm_source=ossinsight&utm_medium=referral"> <img src="/web/static/img/tidb-cloud-logo-w.png" height=50 /> </a> </div>