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An implementation of failpoints for Golang. Fail points are used to add code points where errors may be injected in a user controlled fashion. Fail point is a code snippet that is only executed when the corresponding failpoint is active.

Quick Start (use failpoint-ctl)

  1. Build failpoint-ctl from source

    git clone https://github.com/pingcap/failpoint.git
    cd failpoint
    ls bin/failpoint-ctl
  2. Inject failpoints to your program, eg:

    package main
    import "github.com/pingcap/failpoint"
    func main() {
        failpoint.Inject("testPanic", func() {
            panic("failpoint triggerd")
  3. Transfrom your code with failpoint-ctl enable

  4. Build with go build

  5. Enable failpoints with GO_FAILPOINTS environment variable

    GO_FAILPOINTS="main/testPanic=return(true)" ./your-program

    Note: GO_FAILPOINTS does not work with InjectCall type of marker.

  6. If you use go run to run the test, don't forget to add the generated binding__failpoint_binding__.go in your command, like:

    GO_FAILPOINTS="main/testPanic=return(true)" go run your-program.go binding__failpoint_binding__.go

Quick Start (use failpoint-toolexec)

  1. Build failpoint-toolexec from source

    git clone https://github.com/pingcap/failpoint.git
    cd failpoint
    ls bin/failpoint-toolexec
  2. Inject failpoints to your program, eg:

    package main
    import "github.com/pingcap/failpoint"
    func main() {
        failpoint.Inject("testPanic", func() {
            panic("failpoint triggerd")
  3. Use a separate build cache to avoid mixing caches without failpoint-toolexec, and build

    GOCACHE=/tmp/failpoint-cache go build -toolexec path/to/failpoint-toolexec

  4. Enable failpoints with GO_FAILPOINTS environment variable

    GO_FAILPOINTS="main/testPanic=return(true)" ./your-program
  5. You can also use go run or go test, like:

    GOCACHE=/tmp/failpoint-cache GO_FAILPOINTS="main/testPanic=return(true)" go run -toolexec path/to/failpoint-toolexec your-program.go

Design principles

Key concepts

How to inject a failpoint to your program

Some complicated failpoints demo

Failpoint name best practice

As you see above, _curpkg_ will automatically wrap the original failpoint name in failpoint.Eval call. You can think of _curpkg_ as a macro that automatically prepends the current package path to the failpoint name. For example,

package ddl // which parent package is `github.com/pingcap/tidb`

func demo() {
	// _curpkg_("the-original-failpoint-name") will be expanded as `github.com/pingcap/tidb/ddl/the-original-failpoint-name`
	if val, ok := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_("the-original-failpoint-name")); ok {...}

You do not need to care about _curpkg_ in your application. It is automatically generated after running failpoint-ctl enable and is deleted with failpoint-ctl disable.

Because all failpoints in a package share the same namespace, we need to be careful to avoid name conflict. There are some recommended naming rules to improve this situation.

Implementation details

  1. Define a group of marker functions
  2. Parse imports and prune a source file which does not import a failpoint
  3. Traverse AST to find marker function calls
  4. Marker function calls will be rewritten with an IF statement, which calls failpoint.Eval to determine whether a failpoint is active and executes failpoint code if the failpoint is enabled

