

git-confirm Travis Build Status

Git hook to catch placeholders and temporary changes (TODO / @ignore) before you commit them.

Asciicast DEMO

Git Confirm:

To Install

In the root of your Git repository, run:

curl -sSfL https://cdn.rawgit.com/pimterry/git-confirm/v0.2.2/hook.sh > .git/hooks/pre-commit && chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

(Note the version number)

All done. If you want to check it's installed correctly you can run:

echo "TODO" > ./test-git-confirm
git add ./test-git-confirm

# Should prompt you to confirm added 'TODO'. Press 'n' to cancel commit.
git commit -m "Testing git confirm"

If you're security conscious, you may be reasonably suspicious of curling executable files. Here you're on HTTPS throughout though, and you're not piping directly to execution so you can check contents and the hash (against MD5 9ee7ff55f7688f9055a9056bd2617a02 for v0.2.2) before using this, if you like.

To Configure

By default, git-confirm will catch and warn about lines including 'TODO' only.

If you want to match a different pattern, you can override this default and set your own patterns:

git config --add hooks.confirm.match "TODO"

Matches are passed verbatim to your local grep, and are treated as regular expressions. Note that all matches are case-sensitive.

You can repeatedly add patterns, and each of them will be matched in turn. To get, remove or totally clear your config, use the standard Git Config commands:

git config --get-all hooks.confirm.match
git config --unset hooks.confirm.match 'TODO'
git config --unset-all hooks.confirm.match


Want to file a bug? That's great! Please search issues first though to check it hasn't already been filed, and provide as much information as you can (your OS, terminal and Git-Confirm version as a minimum).

Want to help improve Git-Confirm?

Need any ideas? Take a look at the Git Confirm Huboard to quickly see the next features to look at.

Release process