

Falco Template

NuGet Version Build Status


The easiest way to install the Falco template is by running the following command in your terminal:

dotnet new -i "Falco.Template::*"

This will pull and install the latest Falco.Template NuGet package into your .NET environment and make it available to subsequent dotnet new commands.

Updating the template

Whenever there is a new version of the Falco template you can update it by re-running the instructions from the installation.

You can also explicitly set the version when installing the template:

dotnet new -i "Falco.Template::1.0.0"

Getting Started

After the template has been installed you can create a new Falco web application by simply running dotnet new falco in your terminal:

dotnet new falco

This will generate a basic ASP.NET web application with Falco installed and activate, demonstrating some basic routing and output techniques.

There are two other project types available, which can be accessed using the -P or --ProjectType argument:

  1. MVC - dotnet new falco -P mvc
  2. RESTful JSON API - dotnet new falco -P rest

Running locally

To try these templates locally from source:

To uninstall the local version

Adding a new project type

To add a new template you can do the following

Update the code as needed and don't forget to add the project type to the .template.config/template.json file.