

<div align="center"> <img src="./logo.svg" alt="Logo" width="128" height="128" /> <h1>📫 Himalaya REPL</h1> <p><strong>REPL</strong> to manage emails, based on <a href="https://crates.io/crates/email-lib"><code>email-lib</code></a></p> <p> <a href="https://github.com/pimalaya/himalaya-repl/releases/latest"><img alt="Release" src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/pimalaya/himalaya-repl?color=success"/></a> <!-- <a href="https://repology.org/project/himalaya-repl/versions"><img alt="Repology" src="https://img.shields.io/repology/repositories/himalaya-repl?color=success"></a> --> <a href="https://matrix.to/#/#pimalaya:matrix.org"><img alt="Matrix" src="https://img.shields.io/matrix/pimalaya:matrix.org?color=success&label=chat"/></a> </p> <p> <em>🚧 Himalaya REPL is still experimental 🚧<br>For a more stable alternative, see <a href="https://github.com/pimalaya/himalaya">Himalaya CLI</a></em> </p> </div>


Himalaya REPL is written in Rust, and relies on cargo features to enable or disable functionalities. Default features can be found in the features section of the Cargo.toml.


Pre-built binary

Himalaya REPL can be installed with a pre-built binary. Find the latest pre-release GitHub workflow and look for the Artifacts section. You should find a pre-built binary matching your OS.

Cargo (git)

Himalaya REPL can also be installed with cargo:

$ cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/pimalaya/himalaya-repl.git


Just run himalaya-repl, the wizard will help you to configure your default account.

You can also manually edit your own configuration, from scratch:

<details> <summary>Proton Mail (Bridge)</summary>

When using Proton Bridge, emails are synchronized locally and exposed via a local IMAP/SMTP server. This implies 2 things:

email = "example@proton.me"

backend = "imap"
imap.host = ""
imap.port = 1143
imap.encryption = false
imap.login = "example@proton.me"
imap.auth.type = "password"
imap.auth.raw = "<bridge-imap-p@ssw0rd>"

message.send.backend = "smtp"
smtp.host = ""
smtp.port = 1025
smtp.encryption = false
smtp.login = "example@proton.me"
smtp.auth.type = "password"
smtp.auth.raw = "<bridge-smtp-p@ssw0rd>"

Keeping your password inside the configuration file is good for testing purpose, but it is not safe. You have 2 better alternatives:

</details> <details> <summary>Gmail</summary>

Google passwords cannot be used directly. There is two ways to authenticate yourself:

Using App Passwords

This option is the simplest and the fastest. First, be sure that:

First create a dedicated password for Himalaya.

email = "example@gmail.com"

folder.alias.inbox = "INBOX"
folder.alias.sent = "[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
folder.alias.drafts = "[Gmail]/Drafts"
folder.alias.trash = "[Gmail]/Trash"

backend = "imap"
imap.host = "imap.gmail.com"
imap.port = 993
imap.login = "example@gmail.com"
imap.auth.type = "password"
imap.auth.cmd = "pass show gmail"

message.send.backend = "smtp"
smtp.host = "smtp.gmail.com"
smtp.port = 465
smtp.login = "example@gmail.com"
smtp.auth.type = "password"
smtp.auth.cmd = "pass show gmail"

Keeping your password inside the configuration file is good for testing purpose, but it is not safe. You have 2 better alternatives:

Using OAuth 2.0

This option is the most secure but the hardest to configure. It requires the oauth2 and keyring cargo features.

First, you need to get your OAuth 2.0 credentials by following this guide. Once you get your client id and your client secret, you can configure your Himalaya account this way:

email = "example@gmail.com"

folder.alias.inbox = "INBOX"
folder.alias.sent = "[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
folder.alias.drafts = "[Gmail]/Drafts"
folder.alias.trash = "[Gmail]/Trash"

backend = "imap"
imap.host = "imap.gmail.com"
imap.port = 993
imap.login = "example@gmail.com"
imap.auth.type = "oauth2"
imap.auth.client-id = "<imap-client-id>"
imap.auth.auth-url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth"
imap.auth.token-url = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token"
imap.auth.pkce = true
imap.auth.scope = "https://mail.google.com/"

message.send.backend = "smtp"
smtp.host = "smtp.gmail.com"
smtp.port = 465
smtp.login = "example@gmail.com"
smtp.auth.type = "oauth2"
smtp.auth.client-id = "<smtp-client-id>"
smtp.auth.auth-url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth"
smtp.auth.token-url = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token"
smtp.auth.pkce = true
smtp.auth.scope = "https://mail.google.com/"

# If you want your SMTP to share the same client id (and so the same access token)
# as your IMAP config, you can add the following:
# imap.auth.type = "oauth2"
# imap.auth.client-id = "<client-id>"
# imap.auth.client-secret.keyring = "gmail-oauth2-client-secret"
# imap.auth.access-token.keyring = "gmail-oauth2-access-token"
# imap.auth.refresh-token.keyring = "gmail-oauth2-refresh-token"
# smtp.auth.type = "oauth2"
# smtp.auth.client-id = "<client-id>"
# smtp.auth.client-secret.keyring = "gmail-oauth2-client-secret"
# smtp.auth.access-token.keyring = "gmail-oauth2-access-token"
# smtp.auth.refresh-token.keyring = "gmail-oauth2-refresh-token"

Running himalaya configure -a gmail will complete your OAuth 2.0 setup and ask for your client secret.

</details> <details> <summary>Outlook</summary>
email = "example@outlook.com"

backend = "imap"
imap.host = "outlook.office365.com"
imap.port = 993
imap.login = "example@outlook.com"
imap.auth.type = "password"
imap.auth.cmd = "pass show outlook"

message.send.backend = "smtp"
smtp.host = "smtp.mail.outlook.com"
smtp.port = 587
smtp.encryption = "start-tls"
smtp.login = "example@outlook.com"
smtp.auth.type = "password"
smtp.auth.cmd = "pass show outlook"

Using OAuth 2.0

This option is the most secure but the hardest to configure. First, you need to get your OAuth 2.0 credentials by following this guide. Once you get your client id and your client secret, you can configure your Himalaya account this way:

email = "example@outlook.com"

backend = "imap"
imap.host = "outlook.office365.com"
imap.port = 993
imap.login = "example@outlook.com"
imap.auth.type = "oauth2"
imap.auth.client-id = "<imap-client-id>"
imap.auth.auth-url = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize"
imap.auth.token-url = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token"
imap.auth.pkce = true
imap.auth.scope = "https://outlook.office.com/IMAP.AccessAsUser.All"

message.send.backend = "smtp"
smtp.host = "smtp.mail.outlook.com"
smtp.port = 587
smtp.starttls = true
smtp.login = "example@outlook.com"
smtp.auth.type = "oauth2"
smtp.auth.client-id = "<smtp-client-id>"
smtp.auth.auth-url = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize"
smtp.auth.token-url = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token"
smtp.auth.pkce = true
smtp.auth.scope = "https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send"

# If you want your SMTP to share the same client id (and so the same access token)
# as your IMAP config, you can add the following:
# imap.auth.type = "oauth2"
# imap.auth.client-id = "<client-id>"
# imap.auth.client-secret.keyring = "outlook-oauth2-client-secret"
# imap.auth.access-token.keyring = "outlook-oauth2-access-token"
# imap.auth.refresh-token.keyring = "outlook-oauth2-refresh-token"
# smtp.auth.type = "oauth2"
# smtp.auth.client-id = "<client-id>"
# smtp.auth.client-secret.keyring = "outlook-oauth2-client-secret"
# smtp.auth.access-token.keyring = "outlook-oauth2-access-token"
# smtp.auth.refresh-token.keyring = "outlook-oauth2-refresh-token"

Running himalaya configure -a outlook will complete your OAuth 2.0 setup and ask for your client secret.

</details> <details> <summary>iCloud Mail</summary>

From the iCloud Mail support page:

email = "johnappleseed@icloud.com"

backend = "imap"
imap.host = "imap.mail.me.com"
imap.port = 993
imap.login = "johnappleseed"
imap.auth.type = "password"
imap.auth.cmd = "pass show icloud"

message.send.backend = "smtp"
smtp.host = "smtp.mail.me.com"
smtp.port = 587
smtp.encryption = "start-tls"
smtp.login = "johnappleseed@icloud.com"
smtp.auth.type = "password"
smtp.auth.cmd = "pass show icloud"


<details> <summary>How to compose a message?</summary>

An email message is a list of headers (key: val) followed by a body. They form together a template:

Header: value
Header: value
Header: value


Headers and body must be separated by an empty line.


Here a non-exhaustive list of valid email message template headers:

An address can be:

Multiple address are separated by a coma ,: user@domain, Name <user@domain>, "Name" <user@domain>.

Plain text body

Email message template body can be written in plain text. The result will be compiled into a single text/plain MIME part:

From: alice@localhost
To: Bob <bob@localhost>
Subject: Hello from Himalaya

Hello, world!

MML boby

Email message template body can also be written in MML. The MIME Meta Language was introduced by the Emacs mml ELisp module. Pimalaya ported it in Rust.

A raw email message is structured according to the MIME standard. This standard produces verbose, non-friendly messages. Here comes MML: it simplifies the way email message body are structured. Thanks to its simple XML-based syntax, it allows you to easily add multiple parts, attach a binary file, or attach inline image to your body without dealing with the MIME standard.

For instance, this MML template:

From: alice@localhost
To: bob@localhost
Subject: MML simple

<#multipart type=alternative>
This is a plain text part.
<#part type=text/enriched>
<center>This is a centered enriched part</center>

compiles into the following MIME Message:

Subject: MML simple
To: bob@localhost
From: alice@localhost
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2022 13:07:01 +0000
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

This is a plain text part.
Content-Type: text/enriched
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<center>This is a centered enriched part</center>

See more examples at pimalaya/core/mml.

</details> <details> <summary>How to add attachments to a message?</summary>

Read first about the FAQ: How to compose a message?.

From: alice@localhost
To: bob@localhost
Subject: How to attach stuff

Regular binary attachment:
<#part filename=/path/to/file.pdf><#/part>

Custom file name:
<#part filename=/path/to/file.pdf name=custom.pdf><#/part>

Inline image:
<#part disposition=inline filename=/path/to/image.png><#/part>

See more examples at pimalaya/core/mml.

</details> <details> <summary>How to debug Himalaya REPL?</summary>

The simplest way is to use --debug and --trace arguments.

The advanced way is based on environment variables:

</details> <details> <summary>How the wizard discovers IMAP/SMTP configs?</summary>

All the lookup mechanisms use the email address domain as base for the lookup. It is heavily inspired from the Thunderbird Autoconfiguration protocol. For example, for the email address test@example.com, the lookup is performed as (in this order):

  1. check for autoconfig.example.com
  2. look up of example.com in the ISPDB (the Thunderbird central database)
  3. look up MX example.com in DNS, and for mx1.mail.hoster.com, look up hoster.com in the ISPDB
  4. look up SRV example.com in DNS
  5. try to guess (imap.example.com, smtp.example.com…)



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