

<p align="center"><b>This project is no longer actively maintained.</b></p> <p align="center"><b>For a better and easier approach, see <a href="https://www.alexedwards.net/blog/a-time-saving-makefile-for-your-go-projects">here</a> </b></p>
<p align="center"><img align="center" src="https://github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/raw/master/resources/gopher-james.png" width="120"/></p> <h1 align="center">go-james</h1> <p align="center"><a href="https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/4870b0a18ef6cc3f3d10e5c468a8da7f17aee89d/68747470733a2f2f676f7265706f7274636172642e636f6d2f62616467652f6769746875622e636f6d2f706965746572636c616572686f75742f676f2d6a616d6573" alt="Go Report Card" data-canonical-src="https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james" style="max-width:100%;"></a> <a href="http://godoc.org/github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/c1cccc4298cc381799b2ac901183e30d76f24033/68747470733a2f2f676f646f632e6f72672f6769746875622e636f6d2f706965746572636c616572686f75742f676f2d6a616d65733f7374617475732e737667" alt="Documentation" data-canonical-src="https://godoc.org/github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james?status.svg" style="max-width:100%;"></a> <a href="https://github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/raw/master/LICENSE"><img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/b65a7a2b7a579e10dad81e1ef2ef8945c8970806/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f62616467652f6c6963656e73652d41706163686525323076322d6f72616e67652e737667" alt="License" data-canonical-src="https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache%20v2-orange.svg" style="max-width:100%;"></a> <a href="https://github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/releases"><img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/113e1eb8bce0a2c952c6d12bf679b2ada756a4f5/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f6769746875622f762f72656c656173652f706965746572636c616572686f75742f676f2d6a616d6573" alt="GitHub Version" data-canonical-src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/pieterclaerhout/go-james" style="max-width:100%;"></a> <a href="https://github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/issues"><img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/e53684485fb0405984e3c51d9fcfcd895a2340ce/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f6769746875622f6973737565732f706965746572636c616572686f75742f676f2d6a616d65732e737667" alt="GitHub issues" data-canonical-src="https://img.shields.io/github/issues/pieterclaerhout/go-james.svg" style="max-width:100%;"></a> <a href="https://github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/"><img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/3fe96add896b4c526262790e6ba86472517b6993/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f6769746875622f6c6173742d636f6d6d69742f706965746572636c616572686f75742f676f2d6a616d65732e737667" alt="GitHub Last Commit" data-canonical-src="https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/pieterclaerhout/go-james.svg" style="max-width:100%;"></a></p>

James is your butler and helps you to create, build, debug, test and run your Go projects.

When you often create new apps using Go, it quickly becomes annoying when you realize all the steps it takes to configure the basics. You need to manually create the source files, version info requires more steps to be injected into the executable, using Visual Studio Code requires you to manually setup the tasks you want to run…

Using the go-james tool, you can automate and streamline this process. The tool will take care of initializing your project, running your project, debugging it, building it and running the tests.

You should be using go-james if:

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Using go get

You can run the following command to install go-james:

go install github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/cmd/go-james@latest

This will create the go-james command in your $GOPATH/bin folder.

The tool is self-contained and doesn't have any external dependencies.


To install via homebrew, run the following commands:

$ brew tap pieterclaerhout/go-james
==> Tapping pieterclaerhout/go-james
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/pieterclaerhout/homebrew-go-james'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 4 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Tapped 1 formula (27 files, 26.5KB).

$ brew install go-james
==> Installing go-james from pieterclaerhout/go-james
==> Downloading https://github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/releases/download/v1.6.0/go-james_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
######################################################################## 100.0%
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/go-james/1.6.0: 4 files, 11.5MB, built in 3 seconds


To install it manually, download the go-james executable from the releases and place it in $GOPATH/bin.

Starting a new project

To start a new project, you can use the new subcommand as follows:

go-james new --path=<target path> \
             --package=<package> \
             --name=<name of your project> \
             --description=<description of your project> \
             --copyright=<copyright of your project> \
             [--with-git] \
             [--with-docker] \
             [--with-github-action] \
             [--with-gitlab-ci] \

When you run it, you'll get the following output:

➜ go-james new --path go-example --package github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-example
Creating package: github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-example
Project path: /Users/pclaerhout/Desktop/go-example
Writing: go-example
Writing: go-example/go-james.json
Writing: go-example/.vscode
Writing: go-example/.vscode/tasks.json
Writing: go-example/.vscode/settings.json
Writing: go-example/.vscode/launch.json
Writing: go-example/LICENSE
Writing: go-example/.gitignore
Writing: go-example/.dockerignore
Writing: go-example/Dockerfile
Writing: go-example/README.md
Writing: go-example/scripts/post_build
Writing: go-example/scripts/post_build/post_build.example.go
Writing: go-example/library.go
Writing: go-example/library_test.go
Writing: go-example/cmd/go-example
Writing: go-example/cmd/go-example/main.go
Writing: go-example/versioninfo
Writing: go-example/versioninfo/versioninfo.go
Writing: go-example/scripts/pre_build
Writing: go-example/scripts/pre_build/pre_build.example.go
Writing: go-example/go.mod

It will automatically create the following folder and file structure:

├── README.md
├── cmd
│   └── main
│       └── main.go
├── go-james.json
├── go.mod
├── library.go
├── library_test.go
├── scripts
│   ├── post_build
│   │   └── post_build.example.go
│   └── pre_build
│       └── pre_build.example.go
└── versioninfo
    └── versioninfo.go

An important file which is generated and can be used to further customize the project and it's settings is the go-james.json file which sits next to the go.mod file.

You can specify the following options:

Initializing an existing project

When you already have an existing folder structure, you can run the init command to add the missing pieces.

go-james init

This command is supposed to run from the project's directory and doesn't take any arguments.

Building a project

From within the project root, run the build command to build the executable:

go-james build [-v] [--output=<path>] [--goos=<os>] [--goarch=<arch>]

By default, the output is put in the build subdirectory but can be customized in the configuration file.

You can specify the following options:

You can read more about the GOOS and GOARCH environment variables here.

As part of the build process, the versioninfo package will be filled with the following details:

With every build, these variables are automatically updated.

Pre-build and post-build hooks

Just before the build, if a file called <project_root>/scripts/pre_build/pre_build.go is present, it will be executed and will get a lot of info about the build injected. It's a plain Go file, so use whatever trick or tool you know. A sample pre-build script looks as follows:

package main

import (

func main() {

	args, err := james.ParseBuildArgs()

	log.InfoDump(args, "pre_build arguments")


You can also execute a script after the build. To do so, create a file <project_root>/scripts/post_build/post_build.go with contents similar to:

package main

import (

func main() {

	args, err := james.ParseBuildArgs()

	log.InfoDump(args, "post_build arguments")


Parsing arguments in pre/post build scripts.

To parse the arguments, you can use james.ParseBuildArgs().

The parameters it gets are are struct of the type james.BuildArgs:

  ProjectPath: "/home/user/go-james",
  OutputPath: "/home/user/go-james/build/go-james",
  GOOS: "darwin",
  GOARCH: "amd64",
  ProjectName: "go-james",
  ProjectDescription: "James is your butler and helps you to create, build, test and run your Go projects",
  ProjectCopyright: "© 2019-2020 Copyright Pieter Claerhout",
  Version: "0.7.0",
  Revision: "2065b13",
  Branch: "master",
  RawBuildCommand: []string{
    "-s -w -X github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/versioninfo.ProjectName=go-james -X 'github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/versioninfo.ProjectDescription=James is your butler and helps you to create, build, test and run your Go projects' -X 'github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/versioninfo.ProjectCopyright=© 2019 Copyright Pieter Claerhout' -X github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/versioninfo.Version=0.7.0 -X github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/versioninfo.Revision=2065b13 -X github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/versioninfo.Branch=master",

The same information is also available in the following environment variables:

GO_JAMES_PROJECT_COPYRIGHT="© 2019-2020 Copyright Pieter Claerhout"
GO_JAMES_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION="James is your butler and helps you to create, build, test and run your Go projects"

Using Bash scripts for pre/post build actions.

If you prefer to use a bash script instead for the pre/post build actions, you can create a file called:




It should be marked as executable.

Using Batch files for pre/post build actions.

If you prefer to use a batch file on Windows instead for the pre/post build actions, you can create a file called:




How go-james defines which pre/post build script to run

go-james will search for pre/post build scripts in the following order:

Packaging a project

From within the project root, run the package command to build the executable for windows / darwin / linux in the 386 and amd64 variants and compresses the result as a .zip (windows) or .tgz (linux / mac):

go-james package [-v] [--concurrency=4]

By default, the output is put in the build subdirectory but can be customized in the configuration file.

The filenames which are constructed use the following convention:


The executable will be compressed and, if present in the project, the project's README.md file as well.

You can specify the following options:

As part of the build process, the versioninfo package will be filled with the following details:

With every build, these variables are automatically updated.

Debugging a project

From within the project root, run:

go-james debug

This will build the project and run it's main target through the Delve debugger. If the dlv command is not yet present in your $GOPATH/bin folder, it will automaticall be installed the first time you run it.

When creating a new project or performing init on an existing project, it also configures debugging from within Visual Studio Code. It's a simple as setting one or more breakpoints and choose "Start" > "Debug" from the menu. It creates a launch configuration called Debug.

Running a project

From within the project root, run:

go-james run <args>

This will build the project and run it's main target passing the <args> to the command.

Testing a project

From within the project root, run:

go-james test

This will run all the tests defined in the package.

Installing the executable

To install the main executable of your project in $GOPATH/bin, simply run the install command.

This will build the project and install it in the $GOPATH/bin folder. The name of the executable is the basename of build output path (as specified in the configuration file.

go-james install

Uninstalling the executable

Similar to the install command, there is also an uninstall command which removes the executable from $GOPATH/bin.

go-james uninstall

Running a static analysis

You can use the staticcheck command to run the staticcheck static analyzer. The binary required to run staticcheck is automatically installed if needed.

go-james staticcheck

Building a Docker image

You can use the docker-image command to build a Docker image using the Dockerfile in the project folder. When you create a new project, a starter Dockerfile will be created automatically.

go-james docker-container

The config file go-james.json

When you create a new project or init an existing one, a go-james.json file will be created in the root of your project. This file can be used to configure the project. The full config file is as follows:

    "project": {
        "name": "go-example",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "description": "",
        "copyright": "",
        "package": "github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-example",
        "main_package": "github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-example/cmd/go-example"
    "build": {
        "output_path": "build/go-example",
        "ld_flags": [
        "ld_flags_windows": [
        "ld_flags_darwin": [],
        "ld_flags_linux": [],
        "extra_args": [
        "use_gotip": false
    "run": {
        "environ": {
            "var": "val"
    "package": {
        "include_readme": true
    "test": {
        "extra_args": []
    "staticcheck": {
        "checks": ["all", "-ST1005", "-ST1000"]
    "docker-image": {
        "name": "go-james",
        "repository": "pieterclaerhout/go-james",
        "tag": "revision",
        "prune_images_after_build": false

Project Config

Build Config

Run Config

Package Config

Test Config

Staticcheck Config

Docker Image Config

Bootstrapping go-james

If you want to build go-james from scratch, you can use the following command (or use the "bootstrap" build task in Visual Studio Code):

go build -v -o build/go-james github.com/pieterclaerhout/go-james/cmd/go-james

If you have a version of go-james installed, you can use it to build itself.


To get an idea on what's coming, you can check the GitHub Milestones.


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