

RIPE Atlas Toolbox

Atlas Toolbox is a collection of Perl command-line scripts from managing custom User Defined Measurements (UDMs) on the RIPE Atlas network.

Atlas is a large measurement network composed of geographically distributed probes used to measure Internet connectivity and reachability.

This toolbox allows to search probes on the network, visualize public measurements set by other Atlas users, configure custom active measurements and get their results. The scripts use Atlas' REST APIs. Currently, the measurement types supported are: ping, traceroute and dns. Other types (e.g. sslcert and http) will be implemented in future.

Please be aware that THIS IS A BETA VERSION, MAY CONTAIN SOME BUGS and does not implement all Atlas' features.

List of scripts


To run the scripts, the Perl interpreter is needed (it comes pre-installed on most systems). Additional PERL modules are used, such as HTTP::Request, HTTP::Response, LWP::UserAgent, LWP::Simple, LWP::Protocol::https, JSON and Geo::Coder.

The last three might need to be manually installed via the OS packet manager or CPAN, as showed below.

Debian/Ubuntu systems

sudo apt-get install libjson-perl libgeo-coder-googlev3-perl

All other required modules should be already installed in Ubuntu (tested 14.04).

Using CPAN (multi-platform)

sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
install JSON
install Geo::Coder::Googlev3
install LWP::Protocol::https

Check here how to install Perl modules: http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html


git clone https://github.com/pierdom/atlas-toolbox
cd atlas-toolbox

Usage Examples

Find probes

Find at most 5 probes in a specific Autonomous System:

./probe-list.pl --asn 1234 --limit 5

Find all probes in Italy at less than 2Km from an address:

./probe-list.pl --country it --address "Piazza di Spagna, Rome" --radius 2

Set-up measurements

In order to set-up a UDM, you should first create an API key with 'Measurement creation' permissions. udm-create.pl will return the measurement ID (UDM-ID) if it is successful or an error code.

Instrument 2 probes to ping a host:

./udm-create.pl --api <API-KEY> --type ping --target www.example.com --probe-list 1234,5678

Resolve a host with probes' default DNS server:

./udm-create.pl --api <API-KEY> --type dns --dns-arg www.example.com --probe-list 1234,5678

Ping a host every 5 minutes for 2 consecutive days and resolve it using probes' default DNS server:

./udm-create.pl --api <API-KEY> --type ping --target www.example.com --probe-list 1234,5678 --resolve-on-probe --start 1403042400 --stop 1403215199 --interval 300

Use probe-list.pl output to define set of probes for a measurement using pipe:

./probe-list.pl --country it --asd 1234 | ./udm-create.pl --api <API-KEY> --type ping --target example.com

Measurement management (check status, get results and stop)

For measurement management, the UDM-ID is used. In some cases (e.g. private measurement), an API key may be needed (use --api argument).

Print UDM status:

./udm-status.pl --udm <UDM-ID>

Get UDM results:

./udm-result.pl --udm <UDM-ID>

Stop a measurement (requires API key with stop permission):

./udm-stop.pl --udm <UDM-ID> --api <KEY>

Search existing measurements

Running your own measurement consume credits. It could be that some other user set already up a UDM you are interested. To search an existing measurement:

./probe-lookup.pl --type traceroute --target www.example.com


Every script comes with its own documentation. To see a full list of available arguments, use --help. Example:

./probe-list.pl --help

To read the full documentation:

perldoc probe-list.pl


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/


This work has been partially funded by the European Commission funded mPlane ICT-318627 project (www.ict-mplane.eu).
