Tone Generator for iOS
A reusable Tone Generator class roughly based upon the fine work of Matt Galagher,
A reusable class for generating simple sine waveform audio tones with specified frequency and amplitude. Can play continuously or for a specified duration.
Multiple Channels
You can add more than one tone channel, for example to generate DTMF tones. These are the tones you may hear when dialing on a keypad (either analog or even on iOS in the
unichar c = '2'; // Example character, from a keypad
TGSineWaveToneGenerator *gen = [[TGSineWaveToneGenerator alloc] initWithChannels:2];
// DTMF keypad frequencies
double freqA[] = {1209, 1336, 1477};
double freqB[] = {697, 770, 852};
if (c == '0') {
_toneGenerator->_channels[0].frequency = 1336;
_toneGenerator->_channels[1].frequency = 941;
} else if ('0' < c && c <= '9') {
c = c -'1';
_toneGenerator->_channels[0].frequency = freqA[c % 3];
_toneGenerator->_channels[1].frequency = freqB[c / 3];
} else if (c == '#') {
_toneGenerator->_channels[0].frequency = 1477;
_toneGenerator->_channels[1].frequency = 941;
} else {// Not sure
_toneGenerator->_channels[0].frequency = 1209;
_toneGenerator->_channels[1].frequency = 941;
[_toneGenerator playForDuration:0.15];