

WorldCup Bot

Meet WorldCup Bot, a dirty simple bot for posting 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ matches events to Slack.

WorldCup Bot will post:

Getting started

Configure your AWS keys, this article shows various ways of configuring the keys. A quick simple one is just to export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Personally, I prefer aws-vault for managing my keys.

Get a Slack Token.

Create an .env file as follows:


Install dependencies:

# See https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/
yarn install


yarn deploy

That's it, the WorldCup Bot will check and notify matches events every 1 minute. For changing the frequency or disabling the auto notification, check the CloudWatch Event configuration.

Invoking from command-line

For invoking the deployed version:

yarn sls invoke -f matches

For invoking the local version:

yarn sls invoke local -f matches

AWS Resources

WorldCup Bot runs on AWS and it uses:


Once you are done with your bot, you can just remove the CloudFormation stack yarn sls remove.