

Doctrine extensions for PHPStan

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This extension provides following features:


To use this extension, require it in Composer:

composer require --dev phpstan/phpstan-doctrine

If you also install phpstan/extension-installer then you're all set!

<details> <summary>Manual installation</summary>

If you don't want to use phpstan/extension-installer, include extension.neon in your project's PHPStan config:

    - vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/extension.neon

If you're interested in DQL/QueryBuilder validation, include also rules.neon (you will also need to provide the objectManagerLoader, see below):

    - vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/rules.neon


If your repositories have a common base class, you can configure it in your phpstan.neon and PHPStan will see additional methods you define in it:

		ormRepositoryClass: MyApp\Doctrine\BetterEntityRepository
		odmRepositoryClass: MyApp\Doctrine\BetterDocumentRepository

You can opt in for more advanced analysis by providing the object manager from your own application. This will enable DQL validation:

		objectManagerLoader: tests/object-manager.php

Example for Symfony 4:

// tests/object-manager.php

use App\Kernel;

require __DIR__ . '/../config/bootstrap.php';
$kernel = new Kernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']);
return $kernel->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();

Example for Symfony 5:

// tests/object-manager.php

use App\Kernel;
use Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

(new Dotenv())->bootEnv(__DIR__ . '/../.env');

$kernel = new Kernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']);
return $kernel->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();

Query type inference

This extension can infer the result type of DQL queries when an objectManagerLoader is provided.


$query = $entityManager->createQuery('SELECT u FROM Acme\User u');
$query->getResult(); // array<Acme\User>

$query = $entityManager->createQuery('SELECT u.id, u.email, u.name FROM Acme\User u');
$query->getResult(); // array<array{id: int, email: string, name: string|null}>

$query = $entityManager->createQuery('
    SELECT u.id, u.email, COALESCE(u.name, "Anonymous") AS name
    FROM   Acme\User u
$query->getSingleResult(Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT); // array{id: int, email: string, name: string}>

$query = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder()
    ->from(User::class, 'u')
$query->getResult(); // array<Acme\User>

Queries are analyzed statically and do not require a running database server. This makes use of the Doctrine DQL parser and entities metadata.

Most DQL features are supported, including GROUP BY, DISTINCT, all flavors of JOIN, arithmetic expressions, functions, aggregations, NEW, etc. Sub queries and INDEX BY are not yet supported (infered type will be mixed).

Supported methods

The getResult method is supported when called without argument, or with the hydrateMode argument set to Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT:

$query = $entityManager->createQuery('SELECT u FROM Acme\User u');

$query->getResult(); // array<User>

$query->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT); // array<User>

The methods getOneOrNullResult, getSingleResult, toIterable, and execute are supported when the hydrateMode argument is explicitly set to Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT:

$query = $entityManager->createQuery('SELECT u FROM Acme\User u');

$query->getOneOrNullResult(); // mixed

$query->getOneOrNullResult(Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT); // User

This is due to the design of the Query class preventing from determining the hydration mode used by these functions unless it is specified explicitly during the call.

Custom types

If your application uses custom Doctrine types, you can write your own type descriptors to analyse them properly. Type descriptors implement the interface PHPStan\Type\Doctrine\Descriptors\DoctrineTypeDescriptor which looks like this:


public function getType(): string;

public function getWritableToPropertyType(): Type;

public function getWritableToDatabaseType(): Type;

Generally, at least for most of Doctrine's native types, these last two methods will return the same type, but it is not always the case. One example would be the datetime type, which allows you to set any \DateTimeInterface into to property field, but will always contain the \DateTime type when loaded from the database.

Nullable types

Type descriptors don't have to deal with nullable types, as these are transparently added/removed from the descriptor's types as needed. Therefore you don't have to return the union type of your custom type and NullType from the descriptor's methods, even if your custom type allows null.


If your custom type's convertToPHPValue() and convertToDatabaseValue() methods have proper typehints, you don't have to write your own descriptor for it. The PHPStan\Type\Doctrine\Descriptors\ReflectionDescriptor can analyse the typehints and do the rest for you.

Registering type descriptors

When you write a custom type descriptor, you have to let PHPStan know about it. Add something like this into your phpstan.neon:

		class: MyCustomTypeDescriptor
		tags: [phpstan.doctrine.typeDescriptor]

	# in case you are using the ReflectionDescriptor
		factory: PHPStan\Type\Doctrine\Descriptors\ReflectionDescriptor('MyApp\MyCustomTypeName')
		tags: [phpstan.doctrine.typeDescriptor]