

Trevelin theme (formerly 'Bootlist')

A bootstrap-based theme for phpList 3

Build Status

<p float="left"> <img src="https://www.phplist.com/site/images/readme-images/dashboard_trevelin_theme.PNG" width="400" /> <img src="https://www.phplist.com/site/images/readme-images/subscribers_list_trevelin_theme.PNG" width="400" /> </p>

Bootstrap class names and extra html needed, inserted by jQuery with the script: js/phpList3ToBootstrap.js


Getting started

If you are not going to develop, you don't need the /less and the /bootstrap directories:

If you are going to develop you need to follow this instructions:

Building the project

Requires nodejs & npm. See https://nodejs.org for setup.

Install Grunt globally

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Grunt plugins

To minify js we use this grunt plugins:



Install project dependencies

cd THEME_DIR # Replace THEME_DIR by theme path.
sudo npm install

Watch the project

grunt watch

Minify CSS

grunt less

Each time a less file is changed, style.css will be generated automatically.

Minify the javascript

grunt concat

To unify all .js in one file: phplist_ui_bootlist.js

And then, to minify that file, you have to run:

grunt uglify