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Phonon code mainly written in python. Phonopy user documentation is found at http://phonopy.github.io/phonopy/


See https://phonopy.github.io/phonopy/install.html.

Mailing list for questions

Usual phonopy questions should be sent to phonopy mailing list (https://sourceforge.net/p/phonopy/mailman/).


The development of phonopy is managed on the develop branch of github phonopy repository.


Formatting rules are found in pyproject.toml.


Pre-commit (https://pre-commit.com/) is mainly used for applying the formatting rules automatically. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged to use it at or before git-commit. Pre-commit is set-up and used in the following way:

Unless running pre-commit, pre-commit.ci may push the fix at PR by github action. In this case, the fix should be merged by the contributor's repository.

VSCode setting


Phonopy user documentation is written using python sphinx. The source files are stored in doc directory. Please see how to write the documentation at doc/README.md.

How to run tests

Tests are written using pytest. To run tests, pytest has to be installed. The tests can be run by

% pytest