


SGPEngine is a lightweight cross-platform modern open source game development toolkit. It features low and high level engine systems, OpenGL 3.3 and OpenGL ES 2.0 support, complete asset pipeline and many fully featured editors.

This Engine aims to provide simple yet powerful environment for creating games and other graphical applications. A wide range of features are available, ranging from a math and utility library, to OpenGL/ES render systems all the way to asset processing, fully featured editor and sound supported.

For game developers, SGPEngine aims to provide a complete set of tools and APIs needed to make a game from start to finish. It provides a highly intuitive and customizable editor that is easy to use by artists, designers and programmers alike, supporting development stages from asset management, scene building, scripting to game publishing. It now includes Worldmap Editor, Model Editor, 3DMax9.0 export plugin and one Win32 OpenGLES Emulation.

Features (currently available)

Features (coming in soon)


Aside from SGPEngine source code, you DON'T need any config and by default NON'T need any third party dependencies.

You can use one of the following compilers/IDEs to develop applications with SGP Engine or recompile the engine. However, other compilers/IDEs may work as well, we simply didn't test them.

If you ever want to (re)compile the engine yourself (which means you don't want to use the precompiled version) you need the following:


SGPEngine was created and is developed by phoenixzz.

Contact me at e-mail(phoenixzz@sina.com) or add me on LinkedIn.


JUCE https://www.juce.com/

SPARK Particle Engine https://sourceforge.net/projects/sparkengine/