

Phar Replace

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Adds search and replace support for the phar library.



Via Composer:

$ composer require "phine/phar-replace=~1.0"


The library provides a single subject observer for lib-phar. This observer can be registered to the following subjects in order to perform a global search and replace of one or more search strings:

To create an observer, you will need a new instance of ReplaceObserver.

use Phine\Phar\Builder;
use Phine\Phar\Replace\ReplaceObserver;

// create the archive builder
$builder = Builder::create('example.phar');

// create the replace observer
$observer = new ReplaceObserver(
        'search' => 'replace',
        '@search@' => 'replace',
        '{{ search }}' => 'replace',
        // ...etc...

// register it with the builder subjects
$builder->observe(Builder::ADD_FILE, $observer);
$builder->observe(Builder::ADD_STRING, $observer);

With the observer registered, any file or string added will all of its search, @search@, {{ search }} string occurrences replaced with the value replace.

It may be important to note that only scalar values are supported.

You may also set search strings and replacement values after the observer has been created by calling either setSearchValue() or setSearchValues():

// add a value
$observer->setSearchValue('search string', 'replacement value');

// replace a value
$observer->setSearchValue('search string', 'a different value');

// replace all search strings and their values
        'search' => 'replace',
        '@search@' => 'replace',
        '{{ search }}' => 'replace',
        // ...etc...

By using setSearchValues(), you will be removing all previous search strings and their replacement values. Only the new search strings and replacement values provided will be used.


You can find the API documentation here.


This library is available under the MIT license.