

Interactive PyTorch DDP Training in FastAI Jupyter Notebooks

Ddip ("Dee dip") --- Distributed Data "interactive" Parallel is a little iPython extension of line and cell magics to bring together fastai lesson notebooks [1] and PyTorch's Distributed Data Parallel [2]. It uses ipyparallel [3] to manage the DDP process group.

Platform tested: single host with multiple Nvidia CUDA GPUs, Ubuntu linux + PyTorch + Python 3, fastai v1 and fastai course-v3.


"Distributed training doesn’t work in a notebook..."

-- FastAI's tutorial on How to launch a distributed training

Ddip was conceived to address the above, with the following features:

  1. Switch execution easily between PyTorch's multiprocess DDP group and local notebook namespace.

  2. Takes 3 - 5 lines of iPython magics to port a Fastai course v3 notebook to train in DDP.

  3. Reduce chance of GPU out of memory error by automatically emptying GPU cache memory after executing a cell in the GPU proc.

  4. Extensible, to support future versions of fastai.

Summary of speedup observed in FastAI notebooks when trained with 3 GPUs.


Current version: 0.1.1

pip install git+https://github.com/philtrade/Ddip.git@v0.1.1#egg=Ddip


Control DDP and cell execution destination using % and %% magics:

How to run DDP with in FastAI notebooks with Ddip:

Known Issues and Room for Improvements


  1. <a name="course_v3"></a> FastAI Course v3

  2. <a name="pytorchddp"></a>On Distributed Training:

  1. <a name="ipp"></a>On ipyparallel: