

css-fx-layout 📚

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This is a lightweight and modular SCSS flexbox library. It is inspired by Angular's Flex-Layout and can replace the most popular functions of the (by now deprecated) Angular library.

Info: This library is actively maintained and is already feature-complete, functioning as intended. Future releases will focus primarily on providing bug fixes and addressing similar issues to ensure a smooth user experience.


This library gives you the option between using CSS classes or data-attributes. Both options give you the same features but the CSS classes can be more verbose when you want a more complex layout.

Please refer to the documentation on https://philmtd.github.io/css-fx-layout for a full list of all available selectors and features.

HTML data-attribute selectors

Using the data attributes is the easiest way to use this library and easier to migrate to from Angular Flex-Layout:

For example css-fx-layout provides attributes like the following, which can be configured through the values passed to them:

CSS class selectors

Using the CSS classes is more verbose and the more "CSS-y" way of styling your HTML:

For example css-fx-layout provides classes with naming patterns like:

Responsive API

The library provides a responsive API which allows to create different layouts for different screen sizes using known breakpoints like xs, sm, md, lg, xl and including lt- and gt- variations of them. Please check out the documentation for details on how to use it.

Getting started

Add the library to your project's package.json:

npm i -s css-fx-layout

Then follow the Getting Started guide in the documentation.


These are just two simple examples how to use css-fx-layout. Visit the examples page for more and live-rendered examples.


Example 1

This is the simplest example. It will make the div a flex container and align the three spans in a row:

<table> <tr> <th>CSS Classes</th> <th>Data Attributes</th> </tr> <tr> <td>
<div class="fx-layout-row">
</td> <td>
<div data-layout="row">
</td> </tr> </table>

The resulting layout:

<img src="images/example-1.png" alt="Example 1" width="280px" />

Example 2

An advanced example that aligns the items in reverse order with a gap of four pixels and vertically centered:

<table> <tr> <th>CSS Classes</th> <th>Data Attributes</th> </tr> <tr> <td>
<div class="fx-layout-row 
</td> <td>
<div data-layout="row reverse" 
     data-layout-align="start center" 
</td> </tr> </table>

The resulting layout:

<img src="images/example-2.png" alt="Example 2" width="280px" />

What problem does this library solve?

Initially I created this library because I liked the convenient syntax of Angular Flex-Layout and wanted to use it in non-Angular projects and without JavaScript.

By now Angular Flex-Layout has been deprecated and this library can be a replacement for most of the popular parts.