


PLC - Pure Lua Crypto

A small collection of crpytographic functions, and related utilities, implemented in pure Lua (version 5.3 or above)

Recent changes

May 2023

December 2018

October 2018

April 2018

December 2017

August 2017

June 2017


Collect in one place standalone implementation of well-known, and/or useful, and/or interesting cryptographic algorithms.

Users should be able to pickup any file and just drop it in their project:

Contributions, fixes, bug reports and suggestions are welcome.

What this collection is not:



Public key


Some (un)related utilities:

In the future...

Implementations that may come some day:


These crude numbers give an idea of the relative performance of the algorithms. They correspond to the encryption or the hash of a 10 MB string (10 * 1024 * 1024 bytes).

They have been collected on a laptop with Linux x86_64, CPU i5 M430 @ 2.27 GHz. Lua version is 5.3.4 (ELF 64 bits) - see file 'test_perf.lua'; uncomment whatever test you want to run at the end.

Plain text size: 10 MBytes. Elapsed time in seconds

	- rc4 raw                 7.4  
	- rabbit                  4.7  
	- xtea ctr               11.0  
	- chacha20                7.9  
	- salsa20                 8.0  
	- norx aead               4.5  
	- norx32 aead             9.2  
	- morus aead              1.7

	- md5                     3.7  
	- sha2-256                9.1  
	- sha2-512                6.4  
	- sha3-256               23.2  
	- sha3-512               43.0  
	- blake2b-512             9.4  
	- blake2b-256             9.3  
	- poly1305 hmac           1.2  

	- adler-32                1.3  
	- crc-32                  1.8  

Elliptic curve (ec25519)
	- scalarmult (100 times) 18.9

Test vectors, tests, and disclaimer

Some simplistic tests can be run (test_all.lua). Individual test files are provided in the 'test' directory.

The implementations should pass the tests, but beyond that, there is no guarantee that these implementations conform to anything :-) -- Use at your own risk!

License and credits

All the files included here are distributed under the MIT License (see file LICENSE)

The salsa20 and box/secretbox implementations are contributed by Pierre Chapuis - https://github.com/catwell

The sha2-256 and sha2-512 core permutation has been borrowed from Egor Skriptunoff's pure_lua_SHA2 project - https://github.com/Egor-Skriptunoff/pure_lua_SHA2