


An updated version of the javacc-maven-plugin. Originally it was JavaCC 6.1.3, than updated to JavaCC 7.0 but in the meantime the underlying code is the ParserGeneratorCC project which is a fork of JavaCC 7.0.3 but with slightly improved code and output quality. The main difference is the removed code compatibility for generating code below Java 1.5 - respective options where removed.
For the rest, the parameters etc. where basically not touched, so it should be a drop-in replacement for the old javacc-maven-plugin 2.6. It requires Java 1.8 or higher and Apache Maven 3.x or higher.

It is licensed under the Apache 2 license.

I'm using it e.g. in ph-css for CSS parsing.

Upgrading from the original plugin

The following list is member-gathered when they update to this plugin and is not comprehensive

Maven usage

Example with 3 executions (two javacc and one jjtree-javacc), try with mvn clean process-resources:


Supported goals with the respective parameters are:

Integration tests

External links

News and noteworthy

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