

This project was integrated into https://github.com/phax/as2-lib as of v4.4.5

New versions are going to be maintained there


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The standalone AS2 server component based on as2-lib. It directly works on Sockets and not on Servlets. Please see as2-peppol-servlet for an example how as2-lib can be used together with the Servlet specs. Alternatively a specialized Servlet based server for PEPPOL is available with my as2-peppol-server project.

This project is licensed under the FreeBSD License.

News and noteworthy

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



Start server: run class com.helger.as2.app.MainOpenAS2Server

Startup arguments (required): src/main/resources/config/config.xml This configuration file should be the starting point for your own customizations. You may simple copy the file to a different location and provide the absolute path to it instead of the example given above.

Waits for incoming AS2 messages on http://localhost:10080/HttpReceiver Note: the port for the incoming messages can be configured in the configuration file.

Than run com.helger.as2.test.TestClient as a Java main application to perform a simple AS2 transmission.

No database or additional software is needed to exchange AS2 messages!

Building and running from source

To run this server stand-alone from the source build, perform the following steps. In the below commands x.y.z denotes the effective version number

  1. build the binary artefacts using Apache Maven 3.x: mvn clean install -Pwithdep (selects the profile "withdep" which means "with dependencies"). On Windows you may run build.cmd as an alternative.

  2. If this fails than potentially because a SNAPSHOT version of as2-lib is referenced. In that case check out the as2-lib project as well, run mvn clean install on as2-lib and go back to the first step on this project.

  3. The resulting JAR file is than located at standalone/as2-server.jar

  4. Launch the server (note: src/main/resources/config/config.xml is the path to the configuration file to be used and may be changed):

  5. On Unix/Linux systems run the AS2 server using the following command (on one line):

    java -cp "standalone/*" com.helger.as2.app.MainOpenAS2Server standalone/config/config.xml `

  6. On Windows systems run the AS2 server using the following command (on one line) or execute the run.cmd file:

    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -cp "standalone/*" com.helger.as2.app.MainOpenAS2Server standalone/config/config.xml

My personal Coding Styleguide | On Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/philiphelger">@philiphelger</a>