


A Pharo driver for MongoDB.

CI Coverage Status

Pharo 10 Pharo 11 Pharo 12

Getting Started

We can open a connection to a mongodb server and perform a write operation as follows:

mongo := Mongo host: 'localhost' port: 27017.
mongo open.
	databaseNamed: 'test')
	getCollection: 'pilots')
	add: { 'name' -> 'Fangio' } asDictionary.

Install Mongo driver

Evaluate the following script in Pharo:

Metacello new
	repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/mongotalk/mc';
	baseline: 'MongoTalk';

Install MongoClient

Metacello new
	repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/mongotalk/mc';
	baseline: 'MongoTalk';
	load: #(Client)

Older mongo versions (< 5)

Current driver (v5) is incompatible with older mongo versions, if you require to connect to one of those older databases, you will need to first install a legacy driver:

Metacello new
	repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/mongotalk/mc';
	baseline: 'MongoTalk';
	load: #('Mongo-DriverLegacy')

Then you will need to explicitly declare its use in your mongo client:

db := Mongo new

Alternatively, you can also set the default driver to be used in any connection:

MongoDriver defaultDriver: MongoLegacyDriver.

This is useful if you are using Voyage, for example.

The MongoDB specification

The MongoDB core team proposes a specification with suggested and required behavior for drivers (clients). Although this Pharo driver implements only partially such specification, in next subsections we describe its key elements and link them this Pharo implementation.

Server Discovery And Monitoring

You can have an introduction to the Server Discovery And Monitoring Specification in a blog post and in this talk.

Discovery. The MongoClient receives a seed list of URLs when instantiated, which is the initial list of server addresses. After #start, the client starts to ping the seed addresses to discover replica set data. This ping consists on a ismaster command, which is very light for servers.

Monitors. The spec considers 3 kinds of implementations for monitoring: the single-threaded (Perl), multi-threaded (Python, Java, Ruby, C#), and hybrid (C). The hybrid mixes single and multi. Our MongoClient has a multi-threaded approach to monitor servers. More concretely, it uses TaskIt services which relies in Process (i.e. green threads).

States. The MongoClient>>isMonitoringSteadyState let's you know the internal state of the client, which is one of the following:

Error handling. Applications may retry once after a connection failure, and only notify user if this first retry failed too. The explanation is that first failure moves the client to Crisis State, and the retry will have a long Server Selection and hopefully retry after a new primary is elected. It is less likely that a second retry will succeed.

Server Selection

When a client receives a write command, there is only one choice: it must be sent to the primary server. The same happens when a client receives a read command with primary as read preference. Instead, a read operation with another read preference (such as primaryPreferred) might have several possible servers to send the command. The Server Selection specification proposes the algorithm for server selection that has the goals of being predictable, resilient, and low-latency. This blog post describes this algorithm in detail:

Users will be able to control how long server selection is allowed to take with the serverSelectionTimeoutMS configuration variable and control the size of the acceptable latency window with the localThresholdMS configuration variable.

You can find our implementation of this algorithm in the MongoServerSelection class. The default parameters for the selection is customizable via localThreshold:, readPreference: and serverSelectionTimeout: in the MongoClientSettings instance (accessed via MongoClient>>settings). However, several selection parameters may be specialized for each operation with:

	mongoDo: [ :mongo | "do some operation on the Mongo object here" ]
	readPreference: MongoReadPreference newNearest
	localThreshold: 100 milliseconds

Connection Pooling

The MongoDB specification makes some suggestions and requirements for drivers on this connection pooling characteristics on this document. You can find our implementation of this specification in the MongoPool class, which is customizable via connectTimeout:, maxConnections: and socketTimeout: in the MongoClientSettings instance (accessed via MongoClient>>settings). When the application sends mongoDo: to the client, the pool will either reuse a cached Mongo instance (that was kept open) or create a new instance. When the pool opens the socket to the server, it uses a timeout indicated by connectTimeout, and then sets the socketTimeout which applies to the database and collections read and write commands executed on it by the application. Pools are initially empty: they grow when mongoDo: succeed, and are emptied when a connection error is handled. They only grow up to the quantity indicated by maxConnections; when such upper bound is exceeded, the connections are closed when returned by the application.

What's not implemented?

This is only a partial implementation of the whole MongoDB specification.

For example, our MongoClient doesn't provide any direct read or write operation (as the specification requires). Instead, such operations are supported by first obtaining an instance of Mongo (the connection to a particular server) and then obtaining the db/collection to perform the operations.

Current implementation lacks ReplicaSet support.