

serverlessDotNetStarter .NET 6

Starter template for serverless framework with following scope:

Prerequisites to install

Verify that everything is installed (copy & paste)

# package manager for nodejs
npm -v
# serverless framework cli > 1.5
sls -v
# dotnet (cli) > 6.0
dotnet --version

Installation (copy & paste)

# clone solution
# serverless create --template-url https://github.com/pharindoko/serverlessDotNetStarter --path {SERVICE_NAME}
serverless create --template-url https://github.com/pharindoko/serverlessDotNetStarter --path serverlessDotNetStarter
cd serverlessDotNetStarter
# restore / install dotnet references described in csproj file
dotnet restore AwsDotnetCsharp.csproj

# install Lambda NET Mock Test Tool and Amazon Lambda Tools
# more details: https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-dotnet/tree/master/Tools/LambdaTestTool

dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
dotnet tool install --global Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-6.0
dotnet tool list -g

# required dotnet packages:
# Package Id                      Version      Commands
#amazon.lambda.testtool-6.0      0.12.4       dotnet-lambda-test-tool-6.0
#amazon.lambda.tools             5.4.5        dotnet-lambda

For VS Code Debugging:

code --install-extension ms-dotnettools.csharp --force

Debug & Test locally

I followed this guideline: (Please read in case of issues)

How to Debug .NET Core Lambda Functions Locally with the Serverless Framework

1. Open Visual Studio Code

# open Visual Studio Code
code .

2. Setup Amazon Lambda Testtool

Edit the "program" property in .vscode/launch.json file and update placeholder for {user} (placeholders marked in bold)

For Windows
<pre><code> "program": /Users/<b>{user}</b>/.dotnet/tools/dotnet-lambda-test-tool-6.0 </pre></code>
For MacOs / Linux
<pre><code> "program": /Users/<b>{user}</b>/.dotnet/tools/dotnet-lambda-test-tool-6.0 </pre></code>

More information:

In case of issues - try this:

<pre><code> "program": /Users/<b>{user}</b>/.dotnet/tools/.store/amazon.lambda.testtool-6.0/<b>{nuget-version}</b>/amazon.lambda.testtool-6.0/<b>{nuget-version}</b>/tools/net6.0/any/Amazon.Lambda.TestTool.WebTester6.0.dll", </pre></code>

how to get the right nuget version ?

<pre><code> dotnet tool list -g Result: Package Id Version Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------ amazon.lambda.testtool-6.0 <b>e.g. version 0.12.4</b> dotnet-lambda-test-tool-6.0 </pre></code>

3. Press F5 to start the debugging and local testing of lambda function

Image description

you should get hello world as a result.

Test Another Example: getquerystring

  1. Select function to getquerystring (upper right dropdownlist)

  2. Insert this json value in the function input textbox for a first test:

      "httpMethod": "GET",
      "queryStringParameters": {
        "foo": "dfgdfg",
        "woot": "food"

Mind: For a successful response querystringParameter foo must be inserted

Build Package

Mac OS or Linux




Deploy via Serverless Framework

serverless deploy

A cloudformation stack in AWS will be created in background containing all needed resources

After successful deployment you can see following output

<pre> Service Information service: myService stage: dev region: <b>us-east-1</b> stack: myService-dev resources: 10 api keys: None endpoints: GET - <b>endpointUrl --> https://{api}.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/hello</b> functions: hello: myService-dev-hello layers: None </pre>

Test endpoint after deployment

2 simple options:

Use the endpointUrl from up above.

curl https://{api}.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/hello
curl https://{api}.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/getquerystring?foo=test

Mind: For a successful response of function getquerystring the querystringParameter foo must be inserted


Can I use the solution with Visual Studio IDE (2017 or 2019)
  1. Yes. Here`s the guideline.
How to add an api key
  1. Setup API Key in serverless.yml file https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/events/apigateway/#setting-api-keys-for-your-rest-api
How to add additional lambda functions
  1. Create a new C# Function in Handler.cs or use another file
  2. Add a new function to serverless.yml and reference the C# Function as handler https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/functions/
Destroy the stack in the cloud
sls remove
I deployed the solution but I get back a http 500 error
  1. Check Cloudwatch Logs in AWS - the issue should be describe there.
  2. For a successful response of function getquerystring the querystringParameter foo must be inserted
How can I change the lambda region or stack name

Please have a look to the serverless guideline: https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/deploying/