DribbleDB is a browser local store capable of remote syncing.
It supports several storage strategies and remote pushing and pulling strategies.
It works with CouchDB-style APIs and a lot more to come.
Instantiate a dribbledb:
var db = dribbledb('');
You can also pass some options on the second argument like this:
var db = dribbledb('', options);
- store_strategy:
- localstore (default) : Use localstore
- pull_strategy: can take any of the following values:
- couchdb_bulk (default) : Use CouchDB-like _changes feed (server should accept since=x querystring argument)
- push_strategy
- restful_ajax : Use RESTful webservice that obey this scheme:
(For browser compatibility see the feature detection section below).
Storage API
db.put('key', 'value', [callback(err, id)]);
Or you can just provide the value:
db.put(obj, [callback(err, id)]);
Returns the id of the object.
If obj
has an _id
or id
attribute, then no new value is created.
If it does not, a new ID is created (using node-uuid).
When an object is stored and doesn't have an _id
or id
attribute, an attribute named _id
is created with the key value.
var value = db.get('key', callback[(err, object)]);
db.destroy('key'[, callback(err)]);
This returns all stored objects;
db.all(callback(err, all_docs));
You can also iterate on each stored object by using db.all(iterator):
db.all(function(obj) {
console.log('got one object:', obj);
You can also add a second argument to know when the iteration is finished:
db.all(function(obj) {
console.log('got one object:', obj);
}), function() {
console.log('iteration ended');
Remove the entire database, but just locally. Also removes all syncing pending stuff, so your remote object don't get removed.
db.sync(function(err) {
if (err) { return throw err; }
If you like you can omit the callback. In that case, if an error is caught, db.sync will emit an "error" event.
solving conflicts when syncing:
function resolveConflict(myVerDoc, theirVerDoc, solved) {
solved(this.merge(myVerDoc, theirVerDoc));
db.sync(resolveConflict, function(err) {
if (err) { return throw err; }
Database Events:
db.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('Error caught: ' + err.message);
Events when syncing:
db.sync.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('Error caught: ' + err.message);
db.sync.on('start', function() {
console.log('sync started');
db.sync.on('end', function() {
console.log('sync ended');
db.sync.on('before_save', function(key, value) {
console.log('key ' + key + ' is being saved to remote');
db.sync.on('after_save', function(key, value) {
console.log('key ' + key + ' was successfully saved to remote');
db.sync.on('notify', function(key, value, operation) {
console.log('key ' + key + ' was changed on remote: ' + operation);
The 3rd argument contains the remote operation and can have the following values:
- "updated"
- "inserted"
- "destroyed"
Feature detection
You can query the supported strategies for the current browser:
var supportedStorageStrategies = dribbledb.supportedStorageStrategies();
Current strategies scanned are, and will be returned in this order: