A small operating system for 32 bit x86
What does JSD/OS stand for
The actual meaning of the acronym is intentionally ambigous but might stand for one of "Jake S. Del Mastro Operating System" or "Jake'S Disk Operating System" or maybe even "Jake's Software Distribution Operating System" or finally "JavaScript is Disallowed Operating System"
Getting in Touch
Check out the official discord server:
- Run on all almost x86 hardware since the 386sx
- Low Memory footprint < 1MB for a base system
- Highly modular, don't use what you don't need
- Mutitasking using CuFS
- Zero Screen Tearing by default
- SMP support
- AMD64 version
Non Goals
- POSIX/Unix Compatibility
- Fair scheduling
requires clang (might work on gcc), nasm, meson, perl, objcopy & xorriso
make sure you initialize your git submodules before building (git submodule update --recursive --init
meson setup [build directory] --cross-file mesoncross.ini
meson compile -C [build directory]
this will generate an iso file in the build directory you can run on hardware or your favourite emulator
Most linux distros seems to have a pretty old version of meson in their repo, if your distro does not have a version that meets the minimum requirements, a workaround is to install via pip pip3 install --user meson
What's with "EPSILON" in the release names?
The greek letter Epsilon is often used in mathematics to represent a very small positive value approaching zero, this represents the status of the OS at this point in time, not much, but more than nothing.