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A CLI tool as well as library to select the fastest host based on the lowest ICMP latency written in Go (golang), inspired by apenwarr/netselect debian package.

It’s a handy tool to choose a mirror for apt, or just to compare sites to each other. Under the hood it’s an ICMP ping.



netselect available as Commnad-Line tool and Go library.


netselect [options] <host(s)>


$ netselect google.com google.in google.us
google.com       55 ms  100% ok         ( 3/ 3)
google.in        56 ms  100% ok         ( 3/ 3)
google.us        59 ms  100% ok         ( 3/ 3)

Read the documentation for more information on the CLI usage.

Go Library

Here is a simple example that finds fastest hosts:

hosts := []*netselect.Host{
    &netselect.Host{Address: "google.in"},
    &netselect.Host{Address: "google.com"},

netSelector, err :=netselect.NewNetSelector(hosts)
if err != nil {

results, err := netSelector.Select()

fastestHosts := results // Fastest hosts in ASC order

Read the API documentation for more information on the library usage.



scoop bucket add pgollangi-bucket https://github.com/pgollangi/scoop-bucket.git
scoop install netselect


brew install pgollangi/tap/netselect


brew upgrade netselect


$ go get github.com/pgollangi/netselect/cmd/netselect
$ netselect


  1. Download and install binary from the latest release.
  2. Recommended: add netselect executable to your $PATH.

Building from source

netselect CLI is written in the Go programming language, so to build the CLI yourself, you first need to have Go installed and configured on your machine.

Install Go

To download and install Go, please refer to the Go documentation. Please download Go 1.14.x or above.

Clone this repository

$ git clone https://gitlab.com/pgollangi/netselect.git
$ cd netselect


$ go build cmd/netselect/netselect.go
$ netselect

Notice for linux users

netelect implements ICMP ping using both raw socket and UDP. It needs to be run as a root user.

Alternatley, you can use setcap to allow netselect to bind to raw sockets

setcap cap_net_raw=+ep /bin/netselect

If you do not wish to do all this, you can use flag --privileged=false to send an "unprivileged" ping via UDP. This must be enabled by setting

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0   2147483647"

See this blog and the Go icmp library for more details.


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Please read the Contributions and Code of conduct.

Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request!



Copyright © Prasanna Kumar