



This repo contains implementations of a rather simple version of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm in various languages.

Currently, an implementation is available for:

LanguageCodeMain dependencies
C++Linknanoflann, Eigen, cxxopts
MatlabLinkStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
PythonLinkNumPy, SciPy, lmfit, pandas

I've tried to optimize the readability of the code, i.e. the code structure is as simple as possible and tests are rather rare.

The C++ version can be used through a cli interface.

Also available at:

Features of the ICP algorithm

Basic features

The following basic features are implemented in all languages:

Extended features

The extended features are currently not implemented in all languages. The differences are documented in the following table:

observation of rigid-body transformation parametersnonononoyes

Extended feature: observation of rigid-body transformation parameters

This is useful in at least these cases:

  1. If only a subset of the 6 rigid-body transformation parameters should be estimated. This can be accomplished by setting the weight of individual parameters to infinite, see example below.

  2. If all or a subset of the 6 rigid-body transformation parameters have been directly observed in any other way, e.g. by means of a manual measurement.

  3. If estimates for the rigid-body transformation parameters exist, e.g. from a previous run of simpleICP. In this case the observation weight should be set (according to the theory of least squares adjustments) to w = 1/observation_error^2 whereby the observation_error is defined as std(observation_value). The observation error of all parameters is reported by simpleICP as "est.uncertainty" in the logging output.

This feature introduces two new parameters: rbp_observed_values and rbp_observation_weights. Both parameters have exactly 6 elements which correspond to the rigid-body transformation parameters in the following order:

  1. alpha1: rotation angle around the x-axis
  2. alpha2: rotation angle around the y-axis
  3. alpha3: rotation angle around the z-axis
  4. tx: x component of translation vector
  5. ty: y component of translation vector
  6. tz: z component of translation vector

The rigid-body transformation is defined in non-homogeneous coordinates as follows:

Xt = RX + t

where X and Xt are n-by-3 matrices of the original and transformed movable point cloud, resp., t is the translation vector, and R the rotation matrix. R is thereby defined as:

R = [ca2*ca3               -ca2*sa3                sa2    ]
    [ca1*sa3+sa1*sa2*ca3    ca1*ca3-sa1*sa2*sa3   -sa1*ca2]
    [sa1*sa3-ca1*sa2*ca3    sa1*ca3+ca1*sa2*sa3    ca1*ca2]

with the substitutions:

sa1 := sin(alpha1), ca1 := cos(alpha1)
sa2 := sin(alpha2), ca2 := cos(alpha2)
sa3 := sin(alpha3), ca3 := cos(alpha3)

The two parameters rbp_observed_values and rbp_observation_weights can be used to introduce an additional observation to the least squares optimization for each transformation parameter:

residual = observation_weight * (estimated_value - observed_value)

Example which demonstrates the most important combinations:

# parameters:              alpha1   alpha2   alpha3   tx      ty     tz
rbp_observed_values =     (10.0     0.0     -5.0      0.20   -0.15   0.0)
rbp_observation_weights = (100.0    0.0      0.0      40.0    40.0   inf)



All implementations generate the same screen output. This is an example from the C++ version for the Bunny dataset:

$ run_simpleicp.sh
Processing dataset "Dragon"
Create point cloud objects ...
Select points for correspondences in fixed point cloud ...
Estimate normals of selected points ...
Start iterations ...
Iteration | correspondences | mean(residuals) |  std(residuals)
   orig:0 |             767 |          0.0001 |          0.3203
        1 |             767 |         -0.0061 |          0.2531
        2 |             773 |         -0.0035 |          0.1669
        3 |             771 |         -0.0008 |          0.0835
        4 |             741 |         -0.0006 |          0.0196
        5 |             762 |          0.0000 |          0.0025
        6 |             775 |          0.0001 |          0.0022
Convergence criteria fulfilled -> stop iteration!
Estimated transformation matrix H:
[    0.998696     0.052621    -0.034179    -0.206737]
[   -0.052090     0.999028     0.020119    -0.408088]
[    0.034822    -0.018663     0.999436    -0.593361]
[    0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     1.000000]
Finished in 1.729 seconds!

Test data sets

The test data sets are included in the data subfolder. An example call for each language can be found in the run_simpleicp.* files, e.g. run_simpleicp.jl for the julia version.

Datasetpc1 (no_pts)pc2 (no_pts)OverlapSource
DragonDragonpc1 (100k)pc2 (100k)full overlapThe Stanford 3D Scanning Repository
Airborne LidarAirborneLidarpc1 (1340k)pc2 (1340k)full overlapAirborne Lidar flight campaign over Austrian Alps
Terrestrial LidarTerrestrialLidarpc1 (1250k)pc2 (1250k)full overlapTerrestrial Lidar point clouds of a stone block
BunnyBunnypc1 (21k)pc2 (22k)partial overlapThe Stanford 3D Scanning Repository


These are the runtimes on my PC for the data sets above:

Airborne Lidar3.98s5.38s15.08s-16.49s
Terrestrial Lidar3.62s5.22s13.24s-14.45s

For all versions the same input parameters (correspondences, neighbors, ...) are used.

* Unfortunately, I haven't found an implementation of a kd tree in Octave (it is not yet implemented in the Statistics package). Thus, a (very time-consuming!) exhaustive nearest neighbor search is used instead. For larger datasets the Octave timings are missing, as the distance matrix does not fit into memory.


Please cite related papers if you use this code:

  title={A Correspondence Framework for ALS Strip Adjustments based on Variants of the ICP Algorithm},
  author={Glira, Philipp and Pfeifer, Norbert and Briese, Christian and Ressl, Camillo},
  publisher={E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung}

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