

pgAudit Analyze <br/> Open Source PostgreSQL pgAudit Analyzer


The PostgreSQL Audit extension (pgAudit) provides detailed session and/or object audit logging via the standard PostgreSQL logging facility. However, logs are not the ideal place to store audit information. The PostgreSQL Audit Log Analyzer (pgAudit Analyze) reads audit entries from the PostgreSQL logs and loads them into a database schema to aid in analysis and auditing.


log_destination = 'csvlog'
logging_collector = on
log_connections = on

The log files must end with .csv and follow a naming convention that ensures files will sort alphabetically with respect to creation time. Log location is customizable when calling pgAudit Analyze.

Copy the bin and lib directories to any location you prefer but make sure they are in the same directory.

psql -U postgres -f sql/audit.sql <db name>


pgAudit Analyze is intended to be run as a daemon process.

./pgaudit_analyze --daemon /path/to/log/files


Regression tests are located in the test directory. See test/README.md for more information.



The PostgreSQL Audit Log Analyzer was written by David Steele.