


This is a metadata agent plugin for the Plex Media Server. It provides metadata for Tvheadend recordings to the Plex Media Server.


  1. Follow the Plex' instructions on how to manually install a [plugin] (please ignore the word channel, installing an agent is no different than installing a channel!).
  2. Open the Plex' Web Interface (e.g., http://plex.local:32400/web/index.html) and find the following settings dialog: <br>agent settings screenshot
  3. Configure the Tvheadend agent by clicking the settings icon. Note that you must specify the URL (e.g., http://localhost:9981/) of the Tvheadend Web-Interface!
  4. Edit the library that contains your Tvheadend recordings by clicking the pencil icon: <br>library settings screenshot
  5. Select the Tvplexend agent and click save changes: <br>edit library settings screenshot
  6. Enjoy metadata for your Tvheadend recordings!


See Also

You might also want to check out the corresponding channel plugin: TvplexendChannel.bundle.