


This repo contains the 6th place solution for RSNA Pneumonia Detection Challenge.

All trainings and predictions were done with eight Tesla P100s.


How to train

First, shuffle patient IDs by executing the command below. This process is required if you are going to train with a new dataset other than the official Stage2 train or test images.

PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/shuffle_patients.py

Our final submission is an ensemble of 10 models which derive from a 10-fold cross-validation. To run a 10-fold CV, run the command:


How to predict

Predict twice with even (02468) and odd (13579) five models.

./pred02468.sh even.csv
./pred13579.sh odd.csv

Merge these predictions to get the merged CSV.

PYTHONPATH=. python examples/segmentation/ensemble_submission.py even.csv odd.csv -t0.5 -o merged.csv

Finally, adjust threshold of confidence to get the final submission file.

PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/increase_threshold.py -i merged.csv -o final.csv -t 0.3
