

Not Awesome: ES6 Classes

A curated list of resources on why ES6 (aka ES2015) classes are NOT awesome

Reverse-inspired by all of the awesome lists on GitHub, like Awesome, Awesome Awesomeness, Awesome JavaScript, Awesome React, Awesome Go, Awesome Elm, etc.

Table of Contents


While ES6 brings several useful and syntactically pleasing new features to JavaScript, there are many people in the JS community who feel that adding class syntax to the language was a mistake. I share this sentiment, but I have encountered quite a few programmers in the wild who don't agree or simply don't seem to understand why some of us have this opinion. So, I wanted to create an online reference where people could come to learn specifically about this issue and why they might not actually need class syntax in JavaScript.


“If a feature is sometimes dangerous, and there is a better option, then always use the better option.”

--Douglas Crockford



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