

Lemme move to Lemmy!

Easily move your own posts from any subreddit to any Lemmy community!

⚠️ Word of warning ⚠️

Be careful when using this tool in communities that aren't running on your own instance, some communities like Beehaw will get you banned for spamming. Even if the community or instance is meant for archiving, always ask the mods for permission first!

I used this tool on my own instance to archive my dream content, which meant that nobody was going to stop me.

Thanks to @mifuyne@beehaw.org for bringing this to my attention!

How it works

We call the Reddit API to fetch any post made by a given username (you) and then call the Lemmy instance API in question to repost the post on Lemmy.


How to use it?


Migrate all dreams by testuser on Reddit /r/dreams to testuser2 Lemmy "dreaming" community, and prompt for a password

npx lemmemovetolemmy --instance-url https://lemmy.emerald.show --username testuser2 --subreddit Dreams --reddit-username testuser --lemmy-community-name dreaming

Migrate all dreams by testuser on Reddit /r/dreams to testuser2 Lemmy "dreaming" community, and prompt for a password and 2 factor authentication token.

npx lemmemovetolemmy --instance-url https://lemmy.emerald.show --username testuser2 --subreddit Dreams --reddit-username testuser --lemmy-community-name dreaming --totp-token prompt

Migrate all dreams by testuser on Reddit /r/dreams to testuser2 Lemmy "dreaming" community, and pre-enter password

npx lemmemovetolemmy --instance-url https://lemmy.emerald.show --username testuser2 --subreddit Dreams --reddit-username testuser --lemmy-community-name dreaming --password=secret

Sponsoring development

If my tool was helpful to you, please consider supporting my channel on Patreon, with discounts and lots of behind the scenes footage on dev streams where projects such as this one come to life.

Hope to see you there!