jQuery templates
Simple jQuery template engine. This plugin is a little big cannon for the web development.
- easy to use
- minified only 9.2 kB (without GZIP compression)
- great functionality
- great use
- works in IE 8+
- supports rendering of collections
- partial.js client-side routing
- jQuery two way bindings
- Web application framework for node.js - partial.js
How does it works?
- plugin parse and compile string from HTML or TEMPLATE
- next is the template cached
Template markups
- {property} = output: property value (encoded)
- {!property} = output: property value (raw)
- {} = plain array value (encoded)
- {!} = plain array value (raw)
- {#} = current index
- {number | ### ### ###.##} - numbers formatting
- {date | dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss} - date/time formatting
- {number | 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'two-three-four', 'other'} - number pluralizing
- {boolean | 'true' : 'false'} - condition
- {number | 'EVEN, true' : 'ODD, false'} - condition
<div id="render"></div>
<div id="render-with-template">
<script type="text/template" id="template">
<div class="user">
<div>Index: {#}</div>
<div>User: {!name} (encoded), {name} (raw)</div>
<div>Credits: {credits | ### ### ##.##} {credits | 'zero', 'one', 'two-three-four', 'other'}</div>
<div>Registered: {registered | yyyy-MM-dd}</div>
#### $.template(model, [template], [append])
append {Boolean} - append or rewrite? Default: false.
$('#render').template({ name: 'Peter <b>Širka</b>', credits: 5, registerd: new Date() }, '#template');
// or
$('#render').template([{ name: 'Peter Širka', credits: 5, registerd: new Date() }, { name: 'Lucia Širková', credits: 1230.34, registerd: new Date() }], '#template');
// or
// pre-compile after HTML DOM is ready
// $('#render-with-template').template();
$('#render-with-template').template([{ name: 'Peter' }, { name: 'Lucia' }, { name: 'Ivo' }, { name: 'Sonia' }]);
// or
$('#render').template(['A', 'B', 'C'], '<div>{} - encoded, {!} - raw (index: {#})</div>');