Cocoa iOS Location manager based on CLLocationManager
- If the result accuracy is better than acceptableAccuracy, we are done
- If we get an update on occuracy, we wait maximumWaitTimeForBetterResult to get a better one, if this doesn't happen, we are done and take the best one
- If we are constantly getting updates, which exceed maximumAttempts, we take th best one (probably we are moving anyway)
- If we don't get any other update in 30 sec, we are done (there won't be probably any other update)
Simple method with predefined values
<pre> - (void)scopeToCurrentLocation:(M6GPSLocationManagerCompletion)completion; </pre>#Usage
<pre> [[M6GPSLocationManager shared] scopeToCurrentLocation:^(NSError *error, CLLocation *location) { // do smth. usefull }]; </pre>