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A compilation of pitch detection algorithms for Javascript. Supports both the browser and node.

Provided pitch-finding algorithms


npm install --save pitchfinder


Finding the pitch of a wav file in node

All pitchfinding algorithms provided operate on Float32Arrays. To find the pitch of a wav file, we can use the wav-decoder library to extract the data into such an array.

const fs = require("fs");
const WavDecoder = require("wav-decoder");
const Pitchfinder = require("pitchfinder");

// see below for optional configuration parameters.
const detectPitch = Pitchfinder.YIN();

const buffer = fs.readFileSync(PATH_TO_FILE);
const decoded = WavDecoder.decode.sync(buffer); // get audio data from file using `wav-decoder`
const float32Array = decoded.channelData[0]; // get a single channel of sound
const pitch = detectPitch(float32Array); // null if pitch cannot be identified

Finding the pitch of a WebAudio AudioBuffer in the browser

This assumes you are using an npm-compatible build system, like Webpack or Browserify, and that your target browser supports WebAudio. Ample documentation on WebAudio is available online, especially on Mozilla's MDN.

import * as Pitchfinder from "pitchfinder";

const myAudioBuffer = getAudioBuffer(); // assume this returns a WebAudio AudioBuffer object
const float32Array = myAudioBuffer.getChannelData(0); // get a single channel of sound

const detectPitch = Pitchfinder.AMDF();
const pitch = detectPitch(float32Array); // null if pitch cannot be identified

Finding a series of pitches

Set a tempo and a quantization interval, and an array of pitches at each interval will be returned.

const Pitchfinder = require("pitchfinder");
const detectPitch = Pitchfinder.YIN();

const frequencies = Pitchfinder.frequencies(detectPitch, float32Array, {
  tempo: 130, // in BPM, defaults to 120
  quantization: 4, // samples per beat, defaults to 4 (i.e. 16th notes)

// or use multiple detectors for better accuracy at the cost of speed.
const detectors = [detectPitch, Pitchfinder.AMDF()];
const moreAccurateFrequencies = Pitchfinder.frequencies(
    tempo: 130, // in BPM, defaults to 120
    quantization: 4, // samples per beat, defaults to 4 (i.e. 16th notes)


All detectors



Dynamic Wavelet

no special config


If you'd like a version that uses compiled C++ code and runs much faster, check out this repo. However, it will not work in the browser.



Several of these algorithms were ported from Jonas Six's excellent TarsosDSP library (written in Java). If you're looking for a far deeper set of tools than this, check out his work on his website or on Github.

Thanks to Aubio for his YIN code