

Git Aliases <a href="https://github.com/peterhurford/git-aliases.zsh/tags"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/tag/peterhurford/git-aliases.zsh.svg"></a>

Shorten various frequently used git aliases:

Create new omnibus commands by merging things together:

No changes are made to anything involving git commit, git push, or git pull, because these functionalities are turbocharged by Send.zsh and Send.vim.



Assuming you have oh-my-zsh, you can simply write:

git clone git@github.com:peterhurford/git-aliases.zsh.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/git-aliases
echo "plugins+=(git-aliases)" >> ~/.zshrc

(Alternatively, you can place the git-aliases plugin in the plugins=(...) local in your ~/.zshrc manually.)

(Once you have this plugin, you can clone this plugin via clone peterhurford git-aliases.zsh instead. Much better!)


If you're using the Antigen framework for ZSH, all you have to do is add antigen bundle peterhurford/git-aliases.zsh to your .zshrc wherever you're adding your other antigen bundles. Antigen will automatically clone the repo and add it to your antigen configuration the next time you open a new shell.


If you use the non-recommended alternative, bash, you can install this directly to you r ~/.bash_profile:

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peterhurford/git-aliases.zsh/master/git-aliases.plugin.zsh >>


Why use this instead of the "git" plugin?

Oh-my-zsh already has a git plugin you can optionally install that has aliases.

I obviously prefer my plugin better -- it has alias names that make more sense to me, and it has more complex aliases that make working on things much easier (especially Ruby projects with built in bundle and migrate), and stuff like autopush on new branch is really neeat. But if you don't work with Ruby and don't like some of the style choices I made (though feel free to suggest options for futher customizations, see above), you might prefer that plugin instead.

Why can't I use them both?

Pick a side, we're at war!

But in seriousness, I think if you use them both (include both in your plugin line), nothing crashes and they don't interfere much with each other. You'll be able to use the custom commands both here and there (i.e., both gco and co will work to do git checkout) and nothing in either plugin overwrites functionality of the other plugin.

Help! Tab completion isn't working for branch names like you said!

First, I think this only works in Zshell, so if you're not using Zshell, then that's your first problem.

If you are using Zshell and things aren't working, you have to mess with your settings. If you have either autoload -U compinit && compinit or setopt completealiases in your .zshrc, remove them.

If that doesn't work, you may have to include unsetopt completealiases in your .zshrc because it is being set somewhere else. Though doing this may break the functionality of a different plugin, so watch out and choose wisely!

If the problem still persists, it's a problem I haven't encountered myself yet. File an issue and I can take a look!

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