

cljsx The Missing JSX Clojure Macro

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cljsx tries to make it as easy as possible to use plain, unwrapped React (or any other virtual dom) and all the related JavaScript libraries in ClojureScript by mimicking the syntax of JSX. It's mainly meant to be used with the amazing shadow-cljs with its effortless usage of plain NPM packages, but it works just as well with Figwheel and Clojure.


It's just a macro which transforms occurences of JSX expressions like (<div :className "foo" > "Hello" "World!") into (createElement "div" {:className "foo"} "Hello" "World!"). cljsx doesn't really care about what createElement points to. It only tries to figure out whether it's a JavaScript or Clojure function so it can convert the arguments with clj->js if needed.


Let's say you want to write a SPA directly in React, not using any wrapper. Maybe you want to use React Router or some other JavaScript library and you don't want to be dealing with incompatibility issues with wrappers like reagent. You would directly use the react/createElement function which you assign to h for brevity:

(ns shadow-cljs-example.main
  (:require ["react" :as react]
            ["react-dom" :as react-dom]
            ["react-router-dom" :as rr]))

(def h react/createElement)

 (h rr/BrowserRouter nil
    (h rr/Route nil
       (fn [route-props]
         (h react/Fragment nil
            (h "h1" nil  (-> route-props .-location .-pathname (subs 1)))
            (h "ul" nil
               (map #(h "li" #js{:key %}
                        (h rr/Link #js{:to %} %))
                    ["foo" "bar" "baz"]))))))
 (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point"))

The cljsx.core/jsx> macro call in the following example just expands to something very similar and equivalent to the example above, except that the code is a bit more readable and looks more familiar to someone with React background.

(ns shadow-cljs-example.main
  (:require ["react" :refer [createElement Fragment]]
            ["react-dom" :as react-dom]
            ["react-router-dom" :as rr]
            [cljsx.core :refer [jsx> fn-clj]]))

    (fn-clj [{{path :pathname} :location}]
       (<h1> (subs path 1))
        (map #(<li :key % >
                   (<rr/Link :to % > %))
             ["foo" "bar" "baz"]))))))
  (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point")))

And this is what it would look like written in reagent. Notice the :> in front of every React Router component, the need to wrap the return value of the rr/Route callback in r/as-element and also, that using the anonymous function shorthand is a bit awkward with the hiccups vector markup, all of which just add noise to the code.

(ns shadow-cljs-example.main
  (:require [reagent.core :as r]
            ["react-router-dom" :as rr]))

 [:> rr/BrowserRouter
  [:> rr/Route
   (fn [route-props]
       [:h1 (-> route-props .-location .-pathname (subs 1))]
       [:ul (map #(identity ^{:key %} [:li
                                       [:> rr/Link {:to %} %]])
                 ["foo" "bar" "baz"])]]))]]
 (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point"))


If you think about it, JSX is just a reader macro, which merely adds syntactic sugar to JavaScript. Oddly enough in ClojureScript, the problem of working with React is mostly approached by inventing all sorts of wrappers, which more often than not come bundled with their own state managemet. The most idiomatic way to express React DOM trees in Clojure seems to be the hiccups format of nested vectors, which probably stems from the obsession with data in Clojure (list's don't seem to be data enough).

cljsx.core/jsx> is the missing macro. It's the main workhorse of the package alongside a bunch of helpers for taming the JavaScript conversion. The main goal of the package is expressiveness, readability and familiarity with React idioms. cljsx is not tied to React in any way other than through the signature of the createElement function and it works with all JSX compatible libraries like Inferno, Nerv, Preact or Snabbdom.


The main thing cljsx provides is the jsx> macro and its brethren react>, snabbdom>, inferno> etc. The macro will recognize JSX expressions in the code passed to it and will expand them into createElement calls. Anything else will be kept unchanged:

(macroexpand (cljs/jsx> (<div>)))
;; => (createElement "div" nil)  

So if you want the above example to work with React, you should refer createElement from the react namespace. Similarly, if you intend to use the <> fragment tag, you should also refer the Fragment name from the same namespace.

(ns my-react-app.main
  (:require [cljsx.core :refer [jsx>]]
            [react :refer [createElement Fragment]]
            [react-dom :as react-dom]))

  ;; The JSX macro call
   ;; This s-expression is recognized as a JSX expression, because the item
   ;; at the function call position is recognized as a JSX tag by the macro.
    ;; This is not recognized as a jsx-expression, because the first item of
    ;; the s-expression is not a JSX tag.
    (str "Hello, ")
    ;; This is a JSX expression, because the first item is a JSX tag.
    (<h1> "CLJSX!")))
  (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point"))

;; The jsx> macro call expands to
(createElement Fragment nil
 (createElement "h1" nil "Hello, CLJSX!"))

The cljsx.core/jsx> macro expands to createElement and Fragment calls, which in JSX parlance is called pragma. If you will be using cljsx with React, you can save some keystrokes by using the cljsx.core/react> macro, which works exactly as the jsx> macro, except that the pragma is bound to react/createElement and react/Fragment.

(ns my-react-app.main
  (:require [cljsx.core :refer [react>]]
            [react :as react]
            [react-dom :as react-dom]))

    (<h1> "Hello, CLJSX!")))
  (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point"))

There are other macros with pragmas bound to other JSX compatible frameworks.

Notice that the last three macros are bound to unprefixed Fragment. This is because none of these frameworks seems to actually have a notion of a fragment. Having it bound to Fragment allows you to choose how the fragment will be interpreted. You could for example fall back to a div with (def Fragment "div") or make it a function which throws an exception, or just let it fail on the undeclared Fragment var.

You can even create your own JSX macro with the cljsx.core/defjsx macro, which is how all the aforementioned macros are defined. Note that as defjsx is a macro which creates macros, it needs to be called in a clj or cljc file.

;; my_jsx_app/main.clj 
(ns my-jsx-app.main
  (:require [cljsx.core :as cljsx])) 

(cljsx/defjsx my-jsx-macro my-create-element my-fragment)

(def my-fragment :fragment)

(defn my-create-element [tag props & children]
  {:tag tag
   :props props
   :children children})

  (<h1> "Hello, CLJSX!")))

;; The above statement returns
{:tag :fragment
 :props nil
 :children [{:tag "h1"
             :props nil
             :children ["Hello, CLJSX!"]}]}

What is a JSX Expression?

Any list whose first element is a JSX tag is recognized as a JSX expression.

What is a JSX Tag?

Any symbol in the function call position starting with the < character, followed by an alphanumeric character and optionally ending with the > character is a JSX tag. The string of characters between the opening < and the optional closing > is the tag name e.g. <>, <a>, <div, <foo>, <bar, <Baz>, <Bing, <foo.bar/Baz>, <foo/bar.Baz. The following are still JSX tags even though they have invalid names: <foo.bar>, <<>, <..foo>. This is to fail early on spec violation, as opposed to undeclared var errors.

Intrinsic Tags

JSX tags with all lowercase, alphanumeric names are intrinsic and will expand to a createElement call with the tag name in a string literal e.g. <div>, <a>, <h1>, <span>, <foobarbaz>.

(macroexpand (cljsx/jsx> (<foo>)))
;; => (createElement "foo" nil)

Reference Tags

JSX tags whose names are capitalized e.g. <Foo> are reference tags and will be expanded with the name as symbol. Tag names can be namespaced in the same way as symbols with the only exception, that the last part must be capitalized e.g. <foo.bar/Baz>, <foo/bar.Baz>, in which case they are also considered to be reference tags.

(macroexpand (cljsx/jsx> (<Foo>)))
;; => (createElement Foo nil)

(macroexpand (cljsx/jsx> (<foo.bar/Baz>)))
;; => (createElement foo.bar/Baz nil)

(macroexpand (cljsx/jsx> (<foo/bar.Baz>)))
;; => (createElement foo/bar.Baz nil)

Invalid Tags

Anything else is recognized as an invalid tag and will be reported by the spec during compile time.

Simple JSX Expressions Without Props

If a tag ends with the > character, it has no props or attributes and the JSX expression expands to a createElement call with nil as the second argument.

(macroexpand (cljsx/jsx> (<foo>)))
;; => (createElement "foo" nil)

(macroexpand (cljsx/jsx> (<Bar>)))
;; => (createElement Bar nil)

JSX Expressions With Props

If the tag does not end with the > character, the jsx> macro will will expect a sequence of props after the tag, terminated by the > symbol. A prop is either:

Note that cljsx doesn't do any prop name conversion e.g. hyphenization, etc, as it is none of its business. If you wan't to write React props hyphenized, or, you wan't to use :class instead of :className, you can wrap react/createElement in your own createElement implementation where you can intercept the props and forward them transformed to React:

(ns shadow-cljs-example.main
  (:require ["react" :as react]
            ["react-dom" :as react-dom]
            [camel-snake-kebab.core :as csk]
            [cljsx.core :as cljsx]))

(defn createElement [tag props & children]
  (apply react/createElement
         (->> props
              (reduce-kv #(assoc %1 (csk/->camelCase %2) %3) {})

  (<div :class-name "foo" 
        :on-click #(println "clicked") >
  (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point")))

Key-value Props

A key-value prop is a keyword followed by any non-keyword expression e.g :foo 123, :bar baz, :bing (+ 1 2 3). JSX expressions with this kind of props will be expanded to a createElement call with the second argument being a map of the props.

 (<a :href "http://example.com" :target "_blank" >))

;; Expands to
(createElement "a" {:href "http://example.com" :target "_blank"})
 (<button :onClick #(println "click")
          :disabled (not enabled) >))

;; Expands to
(createElement "a" {:onClick #(println "click")
                    :disabled (not enabled)})

Shorthand Truthy Props

As JSX, cljsx supports shorthand truthy props, which is any keyword followed by either another keyword or the > or ... symbols. A shorthand prop will be expanded to a value of true.

 (<button :disabled :onClick #(println "click") >))

 (<button :onClick #(println "click") :disabled >))

;; Both expand to
(createElement "button" {:disabled true :onClick #(println "click")})

The ... Spread Operator

As JSX, cljsx supports spreading a map (or anything spreadable) to the props. Anything followed by the ... symbol will be merged with the rest of the props using merge in the order they appear in the props sequence.

(def props {:baz 33})

 (<Foo :foo 11
       :bar 22
       ... {:foo 111}
       :baz 33
       ... props
       ... [:bing 444]
       :bing >))

;; Expands to
(createElement Foo (merge {:foo 11 :bar 22}
                          {:foo 111}
                          {:baz 33}
                          [:bing 444]
                          {:bing true}))


All expression after a simple tag or the first > symbol after a props tag in a JSX expression are treated like children and are added as parameters right after props to the expanded JSX expression.

 (<div> "Hello, World!"))

;; Expands to
(createElement "div" nil "Hello, World!")

 (<span :style {:color "aqua"} > "Hello," " Aqua" " World!"))

;; Expands to
(createElement "span" {:style {:color "aqua"}} "Hello," " Aqua" " World!")


As JSX, cljsx supports the <> fragment tag and as in JSX it can't have props. A JSX expression with a fragment tag expands to a createElement call with the Fragment symbol as the tag argument.

    (<li> "Foo")
    (<li> "Bar")
    (<li> "Baz"))))

;; Expands to
(createElement "ul" nil
               (createElement Fragment nil
                              (createElement "li" nil "Foo")
                              (createElement "li" nil "Bar")
                              (createElement "li" nil "Baz")))

If you need to pass props to the tag, e.g. the key prop in React, you can do it by using Fragment directly without the <> syntax.

 (<Fragment :key 123 >
   (<div> "Foo")))

;; Expands to
(createElement Fragment {:key 123}
               (createElement "div" nil "Foo"))


JSX expressions can appear anywhere inside of the macro and can be arbitrarily deeply nested. They can appear as values in all the datastructure literals like lists, vectors, maps, sets. They can even appear as keys in maps. Moreover, they can appear as prop values, which is a common pattern in React libraries like React Router and Material-UI. You can even use it as values in spreads as long as it returns a value accepted by merge.

(let [Header (fn [{:keys [children]}]
                 (<h1> "Hello, " children "!"))
        Body (fn [{:keys [items]}]
                (map #(<li :key (str (first %)) >
                           (second %))
        footer (<h3> "Enjoy!")]
     (<Header> "CLJSX")
     (<Body :items {:foo (<h1> "Foo")
                    :bar (<h2> "Bar")
                    :baz (<h3> "Baz")} >)

The jsx> macro accepts any number of expressions. Multiple expressions will be expanded wrapped in a do form. You can actually wrapp a whole namespace in the macro:

(ns my-shadow-cljs-react-app.main
  (:require ["react" :refer [createElement Fragment]]
            ["react-dom" :refer [render]]
            [cljsx.core :refer [jsx>]]))

 (defn Header []
   (<h1> "Hello, CLJSX!"))

 (defn Body []
   (<p> "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."))

 (defn Footer []
   (<h3> "Enjoy!"))

 (defn App []

  (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point")))


The jsx> macro uses some symbols as part of its DSL like the ... as the props spread operator, and the > as the end of props tag. It also specially treats symbols on the function call position whose names start with the < character, which it recognises as JSX tags.

The macro doesn't have any special escape mechanism, but it relies on what's already available in Clojure. So if you need to pass the > function as a value of a prop, or you happen to have a var assigned to a symbol starting with the < character, you can dereference the vars with the @ reader macro:

(ns my-shadow-cljs-react-app.main
  (:require ["react" :refer [createElement Fragment]]
            ["react-dom" :refer [render]]
            [cljsx.core :refer [jsx>]]
            ;; You can not use the ... symbol in def, but you can import it.
            [made-up-three-dots-exporting-namespace :refer [...]]))

(defn <div> [] "My name is <div>")
(def <a> "My name is <a>")

(defn SortableList [{:keys [comparator items]}]
    (map #(<li> %) (sort comparator items)))))

  ;; Would be interpreted as props spread operator if not escaped.
  (<div :title @#'... >
        (<SortableList :items ["a" "b" "c"]
                       ;; Would be interpreted as JSX tag end if not escaped.
                       :comparator @#'> >)
        ;; Would be interpreted as a JSX tag if not escaped.
        ;; No need to escape if not in a function call position.
  (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point")))

Passing Keywords As Prop Values

Because of the truthy prop shorthand you can not pass a keyword literal as a prop value. You can however pass any expression that evaluates to a keyword.

  (<Foo :key :val >))

;; Expands to this, which is probably not what you wanted
(createElement Foo {:key true :val true})

But you can pass a keyword constructed with the keyword function, or any other expressions which returns a keyword. Or even better spread a keyword-to-keyword map into the props:

 (<Foo :foo (keyword "foo")
       :bar (identity :bar)
       :baz (do :baz) >)
 (<Foo ... {:foo :foo
            :bar :bar
            :baz :baz} >))

;; Both expand to
(createElement Foo {:foo :foo
                    :bar :bar
                    :baz :baz})

Note that since the component calls are delegated to the createElement function, having components which expect keywords or other Clojure specific types as prop values only makes sense if the createElement function is a Clojure function. For example react/createElement is expecting all its arguments to be JavaScript objects and cljsx will do this conversion under the hood. React will then call your component with the converted JavaScript values and since the conversion is done with clj->js the keywords will become strings. Read further about the JavaScript conversion in the next section.

JavaScript Conversion

More likely than not, you will be using cljsx with JavaScript libraries e.g. React, which expect JavaScript values as their arguments. So if you wanted to use react/createElement in ClojureScript directly you would need to pass the props as a plain JavaScript object:

;; You need to pass the props as JavaScript,
;; either by using the #js reader macro,
(react/createElement "h1" (clj->js #js{:style #js{:color "blue"}})
                      "Kind of blue")
;; or converted with clj->js
(react/createElement "h1" (clj->js {:style {:color "blue"}})
                      "Kind of blue")

If and only if the jsx> macro is used in ClojureScript environment, its expansion will include JavaScript conversion code:

 (<div :className "foo"
       ... parent-props >

;; In a Clojure environment, the above snippet expands to:
(createElement Component
               (merge {:foo "bar"} parent-props)

;; Whereas in ClojureScript, the expansion includes JS conversion code
(if (cljsx.core/js? createElement)
  ;; If createElement is a JavaScript function,
  (apply createElement
         ;; If the tag (in this case Component) is a JavaScript function,
         (if (cljsx.core/js? Component)
           ;; no conversion is needed, because the props are a JS object already.
           ;; Otherwise (if it is a Clojure function),
           ;; the tag function needs to be intercepted,
           (fn [props__38180__auto__]
             ;; so the props passed by the JS createElement function can be
             ;; converted to a Clojure map so they don't need to be manually
             ;; converted in each component implementation.
             (Component (js->clj props__38180__auto__
                                 :keywordize-keys true))))
         ;; The props and children both need to be converted to JS before they
         ;; are passed to the JS createElement
         (clj->js (merge {:foo "bar"} parent-props))
         (map clj->js ["Baz"]))
  ;; If createElement is a Clojure function, no conversion happens.
  (createElement Component
                 (merge {:foo "bar"} parent-props)

If createElement resolves to a JavaScript function, there are two places where the JavaScript conversion happens:

If the Clojure tag functions were not intercepted, you would need to treat the props in your components as JavaScript objects and could not destructure them:

;; Without automatic conversion your components would be rather verbose.
(defn MyButton [js-props]
    ;; cljsx is expecting the props to be a Clojure map 
    (<button ... (js->clj js-props)
             :className (str "my-button " (.-class js-props)) >)))

;; With automatic conversion, your components should be nice and readable.
(defn MyButton [{:keys [class] :as clj-props}]
    (<button ... clj-props 
             :className (str "my-button " class) >)))

JavaScript Function Detection Pitfalls

In ClojureScript, testing whether whether a function is a JavaScript or Clojure function is not trivial and not always possible. cljsx has it's own cljsx.core/clj-fn? macro for this purpose. The function returns true if it is certain that the object passed to it is a Clojure function, false if it is certain that it's a JavaScript function, and nil if it can't be determined. Following are cases when cljsx.core/clj-fn? returns nil and thus favours JavaScript conversion:

A function is reassigned to a let binding:

(defn f [])

(let [f' f ; Metadata is lost on reassignment.
      ;; But fresh assignmet still works.
      g (fn [])
      h #(identity %)]
  [(clj-fn? f')
   (clj-fn? g)
   (clj-fn? h)])
;; => [nil true true]

A function is passed as an argument to another function:

(defn f [])

(defn g [x]
  (clj-fn? x))

(g f)
;; => nil

(clj-fn? (identity f))
;; => nil

A function is returned from another function:

(defn f [])

(clj-fn? ((fn [] f)))
;; => nil

A function is defined or reassigned in the same cljsx macro where it is used:

(defn f [])
(def g f)

  (defn f' [])
  (def g' f'))

 (defn f'' [])
 (def g'' f'')

 [(clj-fn? f) ; true
  (clj-fn? g) ; true
  (clj-fn? f') ; true
  (clj-fn? g') ; true
  ;; Only definitions inside this very jsx> block are indeterminate
  (clj-fn? f'') ; nil
  (clj-fn? g'') ; nil
;; => [true true true true nil nil]

Taking JavaScript Conversion Under Control

There are various ways how you can ensure that your functions called by React will always be either Clojure data structures of JavaScript objects.

Setting a Var's Tag Meta

The cljsx.core/clj-fn? is consulting the var's metadata :tag value (among other things), which is lost in all of the cases when the function returns nil. You can manually set the tag and thus controll the conversion of its arguments. If the tag value is js, or it is not set at all, it will be treated as a JavaScript function. If the tag is set to any value other than js or nil, it will be treated as a Clojure function.

(defn f [])
(defn ^js f-js [])

(let [^cljs f-clj]
 [(clj-fn? f)
  (clj-fn? f-js)
  (clj-fn f-clj)])
;; => [true false true]

This approach however is rather verbose and it doesn't work in the case when a function is defined inside the same jsx macro call where it is used.

Conversion Decorators

Since the JavaScript conversion favours JavaScript when the result of the underlying clj-fn? function is nil, you should only be concerned about what is passed to the components you defined and which you have under control.

There are number of utilities which you can use to make sure that your components will always receive their props as a Clojure map or a JavaScript object.

The with-js-args and with-clj-args Decorators

The with-js-args decorator takes a function and returns the same function for which each argument will be passed trhough clj->js. Conversely the with-clj-args function takes a function and returns the same function for which all arguments will be passed trhough js->clj.

(ns my-react-app.main
  (:require [cljsx.core :refer [react> with-clj-args]]
            [react :as react]
            [react-dom :as react-dom]))

 (defn Component [props]
   (js/console.log "Clojure props:" (map? props))
   (<h1> "Hello!"))

 (def ComponentWithCLJProps (with-clj-args Component))

   (<Component :x >) ; Clojure props: false
   (<ComponentWithCLJProps :x >) ; Clojure props: true
 (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point"))))
Function Definition Macros

Wrapping every component you write in a decorator is tedious and annoying. But fear not, cljsx comes with a bunch of macros which simplify definition of functions with predictable data format.

The fn-clj And defn-clj Macros

The fn-clj and defn-clj macros have the same signature and work the same as their fn and defn counterparts, except that the functions they define will always receive JavaScript arguments converted to Clojure data structures using js->clj with :keywordize-keys true.

Functions defined with fn-clj and defn-clj work predictably everywhere, even in the same jsx> macro where they are defined.

((fn-clj [x y & z] [x y z])
 #js{"x" 11} #js{"x" 22} #js{"z" 33})
;; => [{:x 11} {:x 22} ({:z 33})]

;; You can define multiple arities
(def multi-arity-fn (fn-clj ([] "nullary")
                            ([x] ["unary" x])
                            ([x y] ["binary" x y])
                            ([x y & z] ["variadic" x y z])))

;; => "nullary"

(multi-arity-fn #js{"x" 11})
;; => ["unary" {:x 11}]

(multi-arity-fn #js{"x" 11} #js{"x" 22})
;; => ["binary" {:x 11} {:x 22}]

(multi-arity-fn #js{"x" 11} #js{"x" 22} #js{"z" 33})
;; => [{:x 11} {:x 22} ({:z 33})]

These macros are especially usefull for defining callbacks for JavaScript libraries like React Router.

(ns shadow-cljs-example.main
  (:require ["react" :as react]
            ["react-dom" :as react-dom]
            ["react-router-dom" :as rr]
            [cljsx.core :refer [defn-clj fn-clj react>]]))

 ;; This function will always receive a Clojure map, eventhough
 ;; its defined in the same react> call where it is used.
 (defn-clj Link [{:keys [href active children]}]
   (if active
     (<rr/Link :to href >

    ;; We can destructure the React Router route props, which are passed as a
    ;; JavaScript object because we are using fn-clj and not just fn.
    (fn-clj [{{path :pathname} :location :as x}]
            (js/console.log (subs path 1))
             (map #(<li :key % >
                        ;; React will pass the props to Link as a JS object,
                        ;; but since Link is defined with def-clj,
                        ;; it will recieve the props as a Clojure map.
                        (<Link :href %
                               :active (= % (subs path 1)) >
                  ["foo" "bar" "baz"])))))
  (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point")))
The component and defcomponent Macros

The component and defcomponent macros are just a stripped-out version of the fn-clj and defn-clj macros. The only difference is that they define a unary function with props as the only argument, which can be a map, nil or a plain JavaScript object, in which case, similarly as with def-clj the functions will receive the argument converted using js->clj with :keywordize-keys true.

The component and defcomponent signatures are the same as the signatures of fn-clj and defn-clj (or fn and defn) respectively with these rather cosmetic differences:

(defcomponent MyComponent props
  (map? props))

;; The above statement is equivalent to this.
;; The only difference is the missing square brackets of the argument vector.
(defn-clj MyComponent' [props]
  (map? props))

(MyComponent {:a "A"}) ; true
;; Even if you call it with a JS object, it still receives a Clojure map
(MyComponent #js{:a "A"}) ; true

 ;; Even if you define the component in the same JSX macro call as it is used,
 ;; it will still predictably receive its props as a Clojure map.
 (defcomponent ^:before-load StyledButton
   "A button which adds the .my-button class to its class name list."
   ;; Destructuring stil works on the single argument.
   {:keys [className] :or {className ""} :as props}
   ;; Pre and post conditions work the same as in defn
   {:pre [(string? className)]}
   (<button ... props
            :className (str className " my-button") >))

  ;; The component will receive a Clojure map, eve though
  ;; React passes the props to it as a JavaScript object.
  (<StyledButton :className "foo" >
                 "Click me!")))
;; => "<button class=\"foo my-button\">Click me!</button>"


And finally an example of a simple application which uses Material-UI and React Router written in JSX, cljsx and reagent.

JavaScript With JSX

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { BrowserRouter, Link, Route } from 'react-router-dom'
import { Avatar, Card, CardContent, CardHeader, IconButton } from '@material-ui/core'
import * as icons from '@material-ui/icons'

const IconButtonLink = props =>
  <IconButton {...props} component={Link} />

const App = () =>
      {({location: {pathname: path}}) => {
        const activeIconName = path.slice(1)
        const ActiveIcon = icons[activeIconName]
        const title = ActiveIcon ? activeIconName : "Click the icons"
        return (
                avatar={ActiveIcon && <Avatar><ActiveIcon/></Avatar>}/>
                .filter(iconName => iconName.endsWith('TwoTone'))
                .map(iconName => {
                  const Icon = icons[iconName]
                  const color = iconName === activeIconName
                    ? "secondary"
                    : "default"
                  return (
                    <IconButtonLink key={iconName} to={iconName} color={color} >


ClojureScript With CLJSX

(ns shadow-cljs-example.main
  (:require ["react" :as react]
            ["react-dom" :as react-dom]
            ["react-router-dom" :as rr]
            ["@material-ui/core" :as mui]
            ["@material-ui/icons" :as mui-icons]
            [cljsx.core :refer [defcomponent fn-clj react>]]))

 (defcomponent IconButtonLink props
   (<mui/IconButton ... props
                    :component rr/Link >))

 (defcomponent App _
     (fn-clj [{{path :pathname} :location}]
             (let [active-icon-name (subs path 1)
                   ^js ActiveIcon (aget mui-icons active-icon-name)]
                (<mui/CardHeader :title (if ActiveIcon
                                          "Click the icons")
                                 :avatar (when ActiveIcon
                                            (<ActiveIcon>))) >)
                 (for [icon-name (js/Object.keys mui-icons)
                       :when (.endsWith icon-name "TwoTone")
                       :let [^js Icon (aget mui-icons icon-name)]]
                   (<IconButtonLink :key icon-name
                                    :to icon-name
                                    :color (if (= icon-name active-icon-name)
                                             "default") >

  (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point")))

ClojureScript With Reagent

(ns shadow-cljs-example.main
  (:require ["react-router-dom" :as rr]
            ["@material-ui/core" :as mui]
            ["@material-ui/icons" :as mui-icons]
            [reagent.core :as r]))

(defn icon-button-link [props & children]
  (into [:> mui/IconButton (merge props {:component rr/Link})]

(defn app []
  [:> rr/BrowserRouter
   [:> rr/Route
    (fn [js-route-props]
      (let [path (-> js-route-props .-location .-pathname)
            active-icon-name (subs path 1)
            ActiveIcon (aget mui-icons active-icon-name)]
         [:> mui/Card
          [:> mui/CardHeader {:title (if ActiveIcon
                                       "Click the icons")
                              :avatar (r/as-element
                                       [:> mui/Avatar
                                        (when ActiveIcon
                                          [:> mui/Avatar
                                           [:> ActiveIcon]])])}]
          [:> mui/CardContent
           (for [icon-name (js/Object.keys icons)
                 :when (.endsWith icon-name "TwoTone")
                 :let [Icon (aget mui-icons icon-name)]]
             ^{:key icon-name}
             [icon-button-link {:to icon-name
                                :color (if (= icon-name active-icon-name)
              [:> Icon]])]])))]])

 (js/document.querySelector "#mount-point"))