

1. Device drivers for VS1053b

The VS1053b is an audio player capable of handling MP3 files. Development was done with this Adafruit breakout. This includes an SD card adaptor which may be used to store MP3 files. MP3 bit rates up to 256Kbps and VBR (variable bit rate) files are supported. Adafruit "Music Maker" Arduino shields e.g. this one have also been used with a MicroPython host running these drivers. See this ref for use with the Arduino shield.

It should be noted that these drivers run the adaptor board's SD card at a higher clock rate than the official SD card driver. If this slot is used, good quality SD cards should be used.

The interface uses seven I/O pins. However the Adafruit card provides 8 GPIO pins which are supported by the driver. You gain a pin :).

There are two versions of the driver: synchronous and asynchronous. The asynchronous version uses uasyncio to enable tasks (such as a GUI interface) to run concurrently while playing audio files. Sadly the overhead of uasyncio prevents audio playback on ESP8266.

1.1 Version log

V0.1.5 Aug 2022 Asynchronous version has an optional buffered mode. This may improve performance. It overcomes an apparent firmware bug which prevents the normal version from working on ESP32.

V0.1.4 Aug 2022 The performance of the asynchronous driver is substantially improved, with some improvement to the synchronous driver. Both drivers have the means to enable I2S output from the VS1053b chip.

Asynchronous driver docs

The synchronous driver has been tested on ESP8266 and ESP32. On Pyboards and the Pio CD quality audio may be achieved using FLAC files.

Synchronous driver docs

2. Compatibility matrix

Music formats (lower MP3 rates exist but aren't considered music quality).

FLAC700K88.2KCD quality
MP3 320K320K40KMaximum MP3 rate
MP3 VBR220-260K<= 33KV0 Variable rate
MP3 250K250K31.25K
MP3 192K192K24K
MP3 128K128K16K

The capability of the platform and driver combination is defined by the maximum rate that can be sustained. All lower rates can be assumed to work. In testing the following were the highest usable rates:

Pyboard 1.xFLACFLAC
Pyboard LiteNot yet testedMP3 <= 128Kbps
ESP8266MP3 <= 256KbpsUnsupported

The synchronous driver also supports recording audio to an IMA ADPCM wav file which can be played by the VS1053b or by other applications.

Converting FLAC to MP3

3. Troubleshooting

Timeout messages, e.g. "timeout waiting for response", are indicative of an SD card which cannot handle the required data rate. High quality cards are essential.

Dropouts when using the asynchronous driver indicate that the driver can't supply data at the required rate. This can result from user tasks which demand too much processor time. Solutions are to reduce blocking, to use a lower MP3 bit rate or to use the synchronous driver.

4. Plugins

These are available from VLSI solutions. They have a .plg extension but are C source files, intended for linking with user C applications. For use with Python these need to be converted to binary files. The supplied patch.bin file provides FLAC decoding and possibly bug fixes. It is current as of August 2022.

The following describes the simple hack I used to convert from vs1053b-patches-flac.plg to patch.bin: this can be amended for other .plg files.

Append the following code to the end of the plg file:

#include <stdio.h>
void main(){
    FILE *file;
    file = fopen("patch.bin", "w");
    char c;
    int n;
    unsigned short v;
    n = 0;
    while (n < PLUGIN_SIZE){
        v = plugin[n++];
        c = v & 0xFF;
        putc(c, file);
        c = v >> 8;
        putc(c, file);

Rename the file to have a .c extension, compile and run with:

$ mv vs1053b-patches-flac.plg vs1053b-patches-flac.c
$ gcc -o rats vs1053b-patches-flac.c
$ chmod a+x rats
$ ./rats