

Create Issue From File

CI GitHub Marketplace

A GitHub action to create an issue using content from a file.

This is designed to be used in conjunction with other actions that output to a file. Especially if that output can be formatted as GitHub flavoured Markdown. This action will create an issue if a file exists at a specified path. The content of the issue will be taken from the file as-is. If the file does not exist the action exits silently.


      - name: Create Issue From File
        uses: peter-evans/create-issue-from-file@v5
          title: An example issue
          content-filepath: ./example-content/output.md
          labels: |
            automated issue

Action inputs

tokenGITHUB_TOKEN or a repo scoped PATGITHUB_TOKEN
repositoryThe target GitHub repositoryCurrent repository
issue-numberThe issue number of an existing issue to update
title(required) The title of the issue
content-filepathThe file path to the issue content
labelsA comma or newline-separated list of labels
assigneesA comma or newline-separated list of assignees (GitHub usernames)



MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details