

.o0 Raging Gardens 0o.

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HTML5/Javascript web browser game. Entry and an Honorable Mention to GitHub game-off-2012 challenge.

It's a lovely day at farmers field. A great time for a hungry (ninja) rabbit to sneak in and pull some carrots to eat. Too bad you weren't the only one with that idea. A horde of hungry opponents approaches fast! Pull as many carrots as you can in 3 minutes. To fight your opponents, you must use ancient rabbitjutsu tactics. These are slightly unorthodox. Simply uhm ... fart to push your opponents away or use a Carrot-on-a-Fork totem decoy to deceive them.

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Collect as many carrots as possible in 3 minutes. Use the controls to move and repel opponents.

Supported Browsers

<table> <tr> <th>Browser</th> <th>Supported</th> <th>Tested Versions</th> </tr> <tr> <th>Google Chrome</th> <td>Yes</td> <td>23.0; 24.0</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Firefox</th> <td>Yes</td> <td>17.0; 18.02</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Safari</th> <td>Yes*</td> <td>5.1.7</td> </tr> <tr> <th>IE</th> <td>Yes*</td> <td>10.0</td> </tr> </table>

*Game sound is currently (and sadly) not working under IE & Safari browsers!

Open Source Libraries

Raging Gardens uses the following javascript libraries:


The game without game art is under MIT License. Read the LICNESE file for more info.


Game Art

Game art and graphics are exclusively created for Raging Gardens by Stremena Tuzsuzova.

Sound and Music

Music score:

Using sounds authored by:

In order to suit the in-game atmosphere, I have edited almost all of the samples with Audacity.