

Petals Health Monitor

Source code for the Petals health monitor: https://health.petals.dev

Swarm state: healthy

...2vYiga, 256.0 RPS  |                                 ########                             |
...vMfXzi, 3688.5 RPS |#########################                                             |
...i9CA9T, 2776.2 RPS |                              ###############                         |
...33Pgb9, 2108.6 RPS |###############                                                       |
...Ap3RUq, 256.0 RPS  |                                     ########                         |
...7mhsNH, 256.0 RPS  |                         ########                                     |
...iRUz6M, 2767.3 RPS |               ###############                                        |
...zbDrjo, 3500.3 RPS |                                             #########################|


# - online
J - joining     (loading blocks)
? - unreachable (port forwarding/NAT/firewall issues, see below)
_ - offline     (just disconnected)

See more info about Petals in its main GitHub repo.


You can run this app on your server using these commands:

git clone https://github.com/petals-infra/health.petals.dev
cd health.petals.dev
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run --host= --port=5000

In production, we recommend using gunicorn instead of the Flask dev server:

gunicorn app:app --bind --worker-class gthread --threads 10 --timeout 120
<details> <summary><b>Running with Docker</b></summary>
git clone https://github.com/petals-infra/health.petals.dev
cd health.petals.dev
docker-compose up --build -d

Monitoring private swarm

To monitor your private swarm instead of the public one, please replace PUBLIC_INITIAL_PEERS with a list of multiaddresses of your swarm's initial peers in config.py. Example:

INITIAL_PEERS = ['/ip4/']


Python API

You can clone this repository and access the health monitor state directly from Python by running a hivemind.DHT client:

# git clone https://github.com/petals-infra/health.petals.dev
# cd health.petals.dev

from pprint import pprint
import hivemind
from petals.constants import PUBLIC_INITIAL_PEERS
from health import fetch_health_state

dht = hivemind.DHT(initial_peers=PUBLIC_INITIAL_PEERS, client_mode=True, start=True)