This library provides a set of utilities for serializing/deseriallizing Ada Standard containers and most of the Types defined in the package hierarchies Ada, GNAT, System, Interfaces to/from JSON
The final target is to add a code generator that would generate a
package ${package-name}.JSON is
-- With at least the folowing methods for each type in the package ${package-name}
function Create (Val : TypeName) return JSON_Array;
function Get (Val : JSON_Value) return TypeName;
function Get (Val : JSON_Value; Field : UTF8_String) return TypeName;
procedure Set_Field (Val : JSON_Value; Field_Name : UTF8_String; Field : TypeName);
end ${package-name};
Rev 1.4.0 2018-12-xx
Rev 1.3.0 2018-12-xx
- Corrected implementation of simple_maps.
- Clean up compiler warnings.
- Added "PATH" support.
Rev 1.2.0 2017-10-26
- Compatible JSON for one-dimensional containers such as Vectors, Linked-Lists and Sets.
- Make compatible deserialisation for maps.
- Finalize support for multiway_trees.
- Rewite the crude codegenerator.
- Add more support packages.