

DREAM block for Pose-Robust Face Recognition

This is our implementation for our CVPR 2018 accepted paper Pose-Robust Face Recognition via Deep Residual Equivariant Mapping paper on arxiv.

The code is wriiten by Yu Rong and Kaidi Cao


Getting Started


git clone git@github.com:penincillin/DREAM.git

Prepare Data and Models

Big files like model.zip could be downloaded both from Google Drive and Baidu Yun. If you have problems with downloading those files, you could contact me :)

Face Alignment

All the face images should be aligned. Please follow the align protocol in dataset CelebA. After alignment, the face should be in the center of the image, and the size of image should be 178x218. Some aligned samples could be found in image/align_sample.


In this paper, we use three face datasets. We train base model and DREAM block on MS-Celeb-1M
We offer a subset of Ms-Celeb-1M with 10 celebrities, you could download from the following link
Ms-Celeb-1M Subset (msceleb.zip): Google Drive     Baidu Yun

We evaluate our the performance of our models on CFP and IJB-A. For CFP, we offer the code to get algined images from the original images (The code could only be runned on Linux). First, you need to download the original CFP dataset, and then download the image list from Google Drive     Baidu Yun

For IJBA, we provide the aligned images here. Google Drive     Baidu Yun

Pretrained Models

We offer several pretrained models. They could be downloaded from Google Drive     Baidu Yun

Train DREAM Block

stitch Training

Prepare the feature extracted from any face recognition model (You could use the pretrained model we prepared).
We prepared a piece of sample data (stitching.zip) which could be download from Google Drive     Baidu Yun

mkdir data
mv stitching.zip data
cd data
unzip stitching.zip
cd src/stitching
sh train_stitch.sh

end2end Training

mkdir data
mv msceleb.zip data
cd data
unzip msceleb.zip
cd src/end2end
sh train.sh

evaluate CFP

# make sure you are in the root directory of DREAM project
mkdir data
cd src/preprocess
sh align_cfp.sh
cd data/CFP
unzip CFP_protocol.zip
# make sure you are in the root directory of DREAM project
cd ../ 
mv model.zip data
cd data
unzip model.zip
# make sure you are in the root directory of DREAM project
cd src/CFP
sh eval_cfp.sh

evaluate IJBA

# make sure you are in the root directory of DREAM project
mkdir data
mv IJBA.zip data
cd data
unzip IJBA.zip
# make sure you are in the root directory of DREAM project
cd ../ 
mv model.zip data
cd data
unzip model.zip
# make sure you are in the root directory of DREAM project
cd src/IJBA
sh eval_ijba.sh


Please cite the paper in your publications if it helps your research:

  author = {Kaidi Cao and Yu Rong and Cheng Li and Xiaoou Tang and Chen Change Loy},
  booktitle = {CVPR},
  title = {Pose-Robust Face Recognition via Deep Residual Equivariant Mapping},
  year = {2018}