

Bread :bread:

Install, update, remove & run AppImage from GitHub using your CLI. (Fork of AppImage ClI Tool)


Getting Started


<details> <summary>Arch Linux & it's Derivatives</summary> <br> <p>you can use this step if your distribution does provide <code>libappimage</code> v1.0.0 or greater, which is the case on Arch Linux & it's Derivatives, kaOS, KDE Neon, Parabola Linux</p> <p>install <code>libappimage</code> dependency</p> <pre><code>pacman -S libappimage</code></pre> <p>then install bread</p> <pre><code>sudo curl -L https://github.com/pegvin/bread/releases/download/v0.7.2/bread-0.7.2-x86_64 -o /usr/local/bin/bread && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bread</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary>Debian & it's Derivatives</summary> <br> <p>you can use this step if your distribution doesn't provide <code>libappimage</code> v1.0.0 or greater, which is the case on Debian & it's derivatives</p> <p>get the appimage containing <code>libappimage</code> v1.0.3</p> <pre><code>sudo curl -L https://github.com/pegvin/bread/releases/download/v0.7.2/bread-0.7.2-x86_64.AppImage -o /usr/local/bin/bread && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bread</code></pre> </details>

Any version of libappimage will work with bread but it is recommended to use v1.0.0 or greater, You can also Refer to this list to check what version of libappimage your Distribution provides.


Just Remove the binary

sudo rm -v /usr/local/bin/bread

NOTE this won't delete the app you've installed.


<details> <summary>NOTE</summary> <br> <p>Often there are many times when the GitHub user and repo both are same, for example <a href="https://github.com/LibreSprite/LibreSprite" target="_blank">libresprite</a>, so in this case you can just specify single name like this <code>bread install libresprite</code>, this works with all the commands</p> </details> <details> <summary>Install a application</summary> <br> <p>To install an Application from GitHub you can use the install command where user is the github repo owner and repo is the repository name</p> <pre><code>bread install user/repo</code></pre> <p>To install an application from a different Tag name you can specify the tag name too</p> <pre><code>bread install user/repo tagname</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary>Run a application from remote</summary> <br> <p>If you want to run a application from remote without installing it you can use the run command</p> <pre><code>bread run user/repo</code></pre> <p>You can pass CLI arguments to the application too like this</p> <pre><code>bread run user/repo -- --arg1 --arg2</code></pre> <p>You can clear the download cache using clean command <code>bread clean</code>, Since all the applications you run from remote are cached so that it isn't downloaded everytime</p> </details> <details> <summary>Remove a application</summary> <br> <p>you can remove a installed application using the remove command</p> <pre><code>bread remove user/repo</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary>Update a applicationn</summary> <br> <p>You can update a application using the update command</p> <pre><code>bread update user/repo</code></pre> <p>if you just want to check if update is available you can use the <code>--check</code> flag</p> <pre><code>bread update user/repo --check</code></pre> <p>if you want to update all the applications you can use the <code>--all</code> flag</p> <pre><code>bread update --all</code></pre> <p>the <code>--check</code> & <code>--all</code> flag can be used together</p> <pre><code>bread update --all --check</code></pre> <p>the <code>-n</code> or <code>--no-pre-release</code> flag can be used to disable updates for pre-releases.</p> <pre><code>bread update --no-pre-release</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary>Search for an application</summary> <br> <p>You can search for a application from the <a href="https://appimage.github.io">AppImage</a> API</p> <pre><code>bread search "Your search text"</code></pre> </details> <details> <summary>List all the installed application</summary> <br> <p>You can list all the installed applications using list command</p> <pre><code>bread list</code></pre> <p>If you also want to see the SHA1 Hashes of the applications listed, you can pass the <code>-s</code> or <code>--show-sha1</code> flag</p> <pre><code>bread list --show-sha1</code></pre> <p>If you want to see the GitHub release tag name <code>-t</code> or <code>--show-tag</code> flag</p> <pre><code>bread list --show-tag</code></pre> </details>



Tested On:

File/Folder Layout

Bread installs all the applications inside the Applications directory in your Linux Home Directory ~, inside this directory there can be also a directory named run-cache which contains all the appimages you've run from the remote via the bread run command.

In the Applications there is also a file named .registry.json which contains information related to the installed applications! In the Applications directory there is also a file named .AppImageFeed.json which is AppImage Catalog From AppImage API


Building From Source

Make Sure You Have Go version 1.18.x & AppImage Builder Installed.

Get The Repository Via Git:

git clone https://github.com/pegvin/bread

Go Inside The Source Code Directory & Get All The Dependencies:

cd bread
go mod tidy

Make The Build Script Executable And Run It

chmod +x ./make
./make --prod

And To Build The AppImage Run

./make appimage

Build Script

The make bash script can build your go code, make appimage out of it, and clean the left over stuff including the genrated builds.

Building in Development Mode

This will build the go code into a binary inside the build folder


Building in Production Mode

Building for production requires passing --prod flag which will enable some compiler options resulting in a small build size.

./make --prod

Building the AppImage

Bread requires libappimage0 for integrating your apps to desktop, which is done via libappimage, to make End user's life easier we package the libappimage with bread and that's why we build the binaries into AppImages so that user doesn't need to install anything.

To make a appimage out the pre built binaries

./make appimage

Get Dependency

To install the dependencies require to build go binary

./make get-deps

