

Lisp Cozodb

About Cozodb

This is a Lisp wrapper for embedding Cozodb.

Cozodb is a really nice database with some interesting features:

Cozodb is based upon Datalog and is really easy to do pretty advanced logic with some easy queries. Syntax is really nice, readable and more powerfull than SQL - as far as I can see :)

Documentation on usage is here.

Lisp api


(ql:quickload "cozodb")

First you need the binary file. You can get it two ways:

Make sure the .so file is in your path. Easy way on Linux is to do a export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path_to_dir_with_so_file in the same whell you start lisp job from (or put it in your .bashrc for example)


First move to the package

(in-package cozodb)

Then open a database with:

(open-db "/tmp/mydir")

This returns a integer which will be needed when doing a query. Query can be done two ways:

  1. Raw query. Following line creates a table and load it with two rows
(run-query db-id "?[l1, l2] <- [['a', 1], ['b',2]] :create stored {l1, l2}")
  1. Interpolated query. The same query, but with interpolation. The percentage sign is the interpolation char.
(query db-id "?[l1, l2] <- % :create stored {l1, l2}" '(("a" 1) ("b" 2))

To query the data in the newly created table we can du this:

(run-query db-id "?[a, b] := *stored[a, b]")

The results of the query is in json format.

To close database:

(close-db db-id)

There are two optional params when doing a query. They are extra-params and immutable. Have a look in the Cozodb for an exlpanation of these if you need them.

Running examples are in the test.lisp file

Backup and restore

(backup db-id "filename")
(restore db-id "filename")

See in the test-file for example on how to backup/restore.

Viewing queries in a tabular format

The json can be tricky to read if you get more than a couple of rows.

The function

(show-as-table (query...))

can be used to show results in a tabular, nice format. It will also show time taken to run the query.


Test can be found in the test.lisp file

They can be run with:

(in-package #:cozodb-test)
 (run! 'test-cozodb)


Lisp part is BSD or Apache, your choice.