Sprint 2.0
Async file running
Just like any IDE's run button this plugins just runs your code.
Sprint relies heavily on @skywind3000 async run, sprint also relies on Vim 8.0's async functionality. Depending on what language is being used with Sprint you will require a different dependecy check the supported languages area for reference.
- Async run
- Vim 8.0
- Language compilers/interpreters
What does it do?
Sprint adds a command to vim to allow for asynchronous running of your file, perfect for testing. On compiled formats sprint will compile to the default name or use the "sprintFile" name to create a file to run, so make sure no file with this name exists.
Supported languages and language dependencies
Languages | Compiler |
C | GCC |
C++ | G++ |
Python | python |
Php | php |
Javascript | node |
Java | javac |
Rust | rustc |
Haskell | ghc |
Latex | pdflatex |
Markdown | pandoc(pdf) | | pandoc(github styling) |
Things to consider
In order to compile the contents of the buffer Sprint must save your files before executing. However after executing the file Sprint will delete the file.(Sprint is for quick testing not for final release builds, makefiles are your friend)
Use any package manager of your liking if you have Vim 8.0 and Async run. My recommendation is to use vundle with the following code.
"This checks for vim 8.0 or above before installing plugins
if v:version >= 800
Plugin 'skywind3000/asyncrun.vim'
Plugin 'pedsm/sprint'
Sprint is simple just run :Sprint at any file of the supported languages and watch the result.
If you want Sprints to not override running programs(Ideal for programs that run for a long time you can set the following variables on your vimrc.
let g:SprintForceRun = 0
If you want Sprint not to open the quickfix window and you rather open it manually add the following to your vimrc
let g:SprintHidden = 1
Known Bugs
- SprintForceRun will stop a running program but not start the following unless used twice.
Pull requests are helpful and the code base is small
- Add more languages
- Global variables for copen
- Global variables for cw(Error messaging)
- Global variable for writing the file
- Global variable for override running process
- Finish the help help file
- Add buffer mode