

Awesome Elm PLTD Awesome

<img src="https://github.com/elm/elm-lang.org/raw/master/static/assets/logos/elm.png" align="right" width="150">

Useful resources for programming language theory & development in Elm.

Elm is a statically typed, pure, functional programming language for creating Web applications. Why use Elm for PL development then? Maybe you're more familiar with Elm, or you want your language to be available anywhere JavaScript is, or maybe you don't want to learn about monads and burritos.

Whatever the reason, there are at least a few of us playing with PL development in Elm so why not have an awesome list to show off that work?

Come join the #language-implementation channel on the Elm slack for more discussion!

About This List

Over the last year or so I've noticed a number of projects and discussions pop up on the Elm slack and discourse around programming language development in Elm. Some are toy or learning projects, while others are more serious endeavours like Stabel or funkLang. The ephemeral nature of Slack chat means a lot of information gets lost over time and we traditionally haven't had a place to organise or consolodate that knowledge.

Hopefully this list can rectify that! At the moment this list is a largely uncurated collection of PL-related projects in Elm with the intention that we have a starting point for sharing, learning, and discussion. In time, this list will become more heavily curated to show off the best or most interesting examples of PL dev in Elm.





Markup Languages



Code Generation



Talks & Videos

Gists & Snippets

🚨 Note: These are snippets or short bits of code that are mostly presented without comment or explanation, but might still be handy to use, copy, or learn from. If you're the author of any of these snippets, or have used them in your own work, consider writing a blog post or publishing a package so we can add those to this list instead!
