


A Pytorch Implementation of PixelCNN++.

Main work taken from the official implementation

Pre-trained models are available here

I kept the code structure to facilitate comparison with the official code.

The code achieves 2.95 BPD on test set, compared to 2.92 BPD on the official tensorflow implementation.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/pclucas14/pixel-cnn-pp/blob/master/images/pcnn_lr:0.00020_nr-resnet5_nr-filters160_143.png"> <img src="https://github.com/pclucas14/pixel-cnn-pp/blob/master/images/pcnn_lr:0.00020_nr-resnet5_nr-filters160_122.png"> <img src="https://github.com/pclucas14/pixel-cnn-pp/blob/master/images/pcnn_lr:0.00020_nr-resnet5_nr-filters160_137.png"> <img src="https://github.com/pclucas14/pixel-cnn-pp/blob/master/images/pcnn_lr:0.00020_nr-resnet5_nr-filters160_101.png"> </p>

Running the code

python main.py

Differences with official implementation

  1. No data dependant weight initialization
  2. No exponential moving average of past models for test set evalutation


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