

GitHub Unsubscribe

Usage: ghu [options] < file

Parse stdin as an email for any List-Unsubscribe header containing a URL. Visit
that URL using curl, thereby unsubscribing you from the thread.

  -o, --open    Open the unsubscribe link with $BROWSER, not curl
  -p, --print   Print the unsubscribe link, do not visit it

The only thing GitHub-specific is that after we curl the URL, we check the HTML response for a bit of text to show that you have been unsubscribed. Beyond that, this tool could be used on any email containing a List-Unsubscribe header with a URL.


ghu is available in the AUR.

Non-Arch users can clone the repo and either

Usage with Mutt

# .muttrc
macro index,pager ,u "\
  <enter-command>set my_old_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode nopipe_decode<enter>\
  <enter-command>set pipe_decode=\$my_old_pipe_decode<enter>\
  " \
  "Unsubscribe from any email with a List-Unsubscribe header"